Unconscious factors for decisions


These are some of the factors in our subconscious that influence decisions.
Brooke Foote
Flashcards by Brooke Foote, updated more than 1 year ago
Brooke Foote
Created by Brooke Foote over 5 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Fear of Loss We're afraid that if we don't get it now, we'll miss out, such as a current sale
Pay Off Social Debts For example, your family has amazing dinners, if you buy the house with a great kitchen you can invite them over to pay it back
Other people's purchases Love it or hate it, Yelp exists While we might research reviews consciously, they leave a mark on our unconscious
Persona Are you the person with the latest tech? Would this outfit be "on brand" for the Gram? Our minds gravitate to things that fit how people view us.
Personal drives, motivations, or fears Your brain knows you
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