week 1 - introduction to cognitive psychology


UNIVERSITY (COGNITIVE) Flashcards on week 1 - introduction to cognitive psychology, created by Aamna Khan on 06/02/2019.
Aamna Khan
Flashcards by Aamna Khan, updated more than 1 year ago
Aamna Khan
Created by Aamna Khan over 5 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
cognition the process in which sensory inputs are transformed, stored and used allows us to operate in the real world
behaviourism all behaviour is learned from the environment psychology IS a science primarily concerned with observable behaviour little differences between humans and animals behaviour is the result of stimulus response
cognitivism Alan Baddley Donald Broadbent
computer model brain processes are similar to a computer
cognitive neuropsychology brain damaged patients
cognitive neuroscience behaviour and the brain
computational cognitive science computational models
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