DNA, Protein Synthesis and Mutations


This deck includes the structure of DNA, the functions as well as DNA Replication, Transcription, Translation, etc.
Kimia mansouri
Flashcards by Kimia mansouri, updated more than 1 year ago
Kimia mansouri
Created by Kimia mansouri almost 6 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Name the three major functions of DNA 1. DNA controls cellular activities including reproduction 2. DNA makes copies of itself to pass on other cells, replication. 3. DNA undergoes Mutations
Each Nucleotide is composed of: 1. A Pentose (5 Carbon) sugar 2. A Phosphate group 3. Nitrogenous Bases
Classify bases into two types and describe them. 1. Purines: Have a double ring structure 2. Pyrimidines: Have a single ring structure
Name the Purine bases Adenine & Guanine
Name the Pyrimidine bases. Thymine Cytosine Uracil
What are Genes? Genes are units of inheritance that can control particular characteristics of an organisms. Genes are segments of DNA found on Chromosomes.
What are the functions of genes? 1. Genes control cellular chemical reactions by directing the formation of enzymes 2. Genes always occur in pairs. Half of each person’s genes come from the mother and the other half from the father
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