
Flashcards on Untitled, created by Areli AN on 20/11/2014.
Areli AN
Flashcards by Areli AN, updated more than 1 year ago
Areli AN
Created by Areli AN almost 10 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
We use Verb to be tense to talk about: 1.- names 2.- ages 3.- birth 4.- nationalities 5.- descriptions 6.- professions 7.- feelings 8.- emotions 9.- address 10.- places
My cousin is a lawyer. My sister is'nt happy. Are Daliz and Citlali tewenty years old?
The dog was angry. My brother and my father weren't in the park. Was boy next to the church?
It is used with: 1. Accions happening in the moment/happening now. 2. Temporary activities. 3. Future arrangements.
example: 1° rule: - My father is catching a fish right now. 2° rule: - My sister is taking Karate classes 3° rule: - My brother is meeting with his friends this afternoon
right now now currently
It is used with: 1. Background events At this time last week my sister was traveling to Chignahuapan. 2. Temporary past actions My mother was working in the primary school. 3. Interrupted actions How fast was she driving when she had the accident?
When, while, all morning, last week
We use the present simple to talk about: 1.- habits and routines My sister play the saxophone two hours every day of the week. 2.- Facts and States My father borns in the ciry Mexico. 3.- Feeling and opinions Alberto loves her work.
Always almost always 0ften frequently normally usually sometimes rarely seldom almost never never.
It is used with: 1.- A past habit that is no longer true My granmother used a coat to the party. 2.- A past state that has changed My cousin used to be painful. 3.- To talk about a single action, you must use the past simple My father, my mother and my traveled to United States in 1995.
Time Expressions two weeks/years,/minutes/hours ago, in 1999, last year/week/month, yesterday, when I was young/a child/little/five.
Future with going to and the present continuous We use the present continuous to talk about: 1.- Future plans and arrangements when the time has been decided. Dalia and her riends going uot for a ice cream next Friday to have a conversation about what has happened to them. 2.- Fixed future plans. My family and me are going to Mexico in fifteen days.
Future with will, going to, may and might. It is used with: 1.- Will/won't + inf. is used to talk about a future prediction based on a personal viewpoint. my sister will be with me all day tomorrow. 2.- Going to + inf. is used to talk about a future prediction based on strong evidence. I'm going to get a new boyfriend. 3.- May/ may not + inf. and might/ mightn't + inf. are used to talk about possible future events. My father may buy a new car next year.
1. When we to talk about an action that happened on an unspecified time in the pas and the action is more important that the time it happened We can use time exp. look: this week, recently and lately - My cat has lost a toy of the baby this week. Have your cat lost a toy of a baby? 2.- Action started in the past and continues now we can use time exp. look: for, since, all day, all my life. - My brither has played a guitar since 3 years ago. How long has your brither played a guitar? 3.- Action completed in the indefinite past and we can use time exp. look: recently, this week and lately -My sister has got flowers recently Have you ever got flowers recently? 4.- Repeated action in the indefinite past. We can use time exp. look: twice, 2 times, several times and many times - My sister has lost her cellphone several times How many times his/her sister had lost the cellphone? 5.- To emphasize that an action finished an indefinite time in the past. we can use time exp. look: already it's only for affirmative sentences - Orlando has already put her christmas tree.
It is used with: 1.- To talk about an action or activity that started in the past and continuous to the present - My brother has been going to the gym since Semptember. 2.- A recen activity when the activity is more important than the result. The activity may or may not be finished. You 've been doing exercise recently.
It is used with: 1.- Completed action that happened before another action in the past. When my sister arrived to house, the food had over.
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