SLS Exam #5 Study


This is for the fifth exam in SLS--Students Life Skills.
Carolina Guerrero-Gomez
Flashcards by Carolina Guerrero-Gomez, updated more than 1 year ago
Carolina Guerrero-Gomez
Created by Carolina Guerrero-Gomez almost 6 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
What do Researchers say about buying textbooks? Researchers say that buying textbooks gives you a reference point for later uses.
If you are female? Reading is a privilege and was prohibited to certain individuals
What are some facts about reading? Reading can save your life. Reading is a gateway to knowledge, enhances vocabulary, and improves writing and reading abilities.
What were the other thing females were prohibited from? Females were also prohibited from reading the Bible and voting.
What can't women do today? Today, women are still prohibited from reading in 20 countries.
How can a cell phone electrocute you? If you are charging your phone in the bath. If you are using your phone in a thunder storm.
What anatomy is similar to a human's? A pig's anatomy is similar to a human's.
Traveling with your phone in your bra can lead to what cancer? Traveling with your phone in your bra can lead to breast cancer.
How can reading protect you? Reading can also protect you from signing documents with hidden demands.
What is the Dead Peasant Life Insurance? Dead Peasant Life Insurance is life insurance purchased by a business on the life of an employee. I.E. the business will gain all the money that belongs to the dead employee.
What is an example of Dead Peasant Life Insurance? An example of this is Walmart.
What are the rules for completing forms? #1 Scan the entire form before you begin to fill it out.
What are the rules for completing forms? #2 Pay attention to anything that is in small print and read it carefully.
What are the rules for completing forms? #3 Follow directions (use blue or blank ink only)
What are the rules for completing forms? #4 Write clearly.
What are the rules for completing forms? #5 Re-read your response, especially if you are sending a document via email.
What are the rules for completing forms? #6 Make copies for your records.
Why is active reading important in college?#1 It helps students succeed on exams.
Why is active reading important in college?#2 It helps prevent the misuse of words.
Why is active reading important in college?#3 It is essential for your careers.
Why is active reading important in college?#4 It makes you smarter.
What does research suggest? #1 Men who read stand a better chance of attracting women.
What does research suggest? #2 85% of women claim that they were more likely to be seduced by a well-read man.
What does research suggest? #3 People who read are most likely to graduate with a degree, obtain higher paying jobs, and hold interesting conversations.
What are the 2 types of readers? Passive and active.
Research suggests that those who play video games read ____? Research suggests that those who play video games read passively.
What do passive readers do? #1 Get mose of their information from the internet.
What do passive readers do? #2 Flip the pages of the textbook to keep track of the remaining pages.
What do passive readers do? #3 Never open their textbook, unless there is an exam.
What do passive readers do? #4 Engage in mindless highlighting.
What do passive readers do? #5 Do not look up words.
What do active readers do? #1 Reads material deliberately and slowly to comprehend.
What do active readers do? #2 Makes time for reading.
What do active readers do? #3 Takes notes as they read.
What do active readers do? #4 Discuss what they read.
What do active readers do? #5 Engage with the material by making notes and writing questions about what they read.
What is the #1 barrier to reading? The #1 barrier to reading is your attitude.
What is another reading difficulty? The other reading difficulty is an undiagnosed disability.
What are some reading difficulties? #1 An undiagnosed or diagnosed disability.
What are some reading difficulties? #2 Experts estimate that dyslexia affects as many as 15% of all Americans.
What are some reading difficulties? #3 Dyslexic individuals sometimes see words backwards.
What are some reading difficulties? #4 Decoding, doesn't come automatically.
_____ was dyslexic, along with many _____? George Washing was dyslexic, along with many celebrities.
Researchers suggest that when a child skips the stage of ______, it may lead to ______ (it may be linked to _______) Researchers suggest that when a child skips the stage of crawling, it may lead to dyslexia (it may be linked to dyslexia).
What is decoding? Decoding is the process of breaking words into individual sounds.
What is comprehension? Comprehension is understanding main ideas and details as they are written.
What is interpreting? Interpreting is developing ideas and summarizing material. It requires many skills, such as noting the difference between fact and opinion, recognizing cause and effects, and drawing inferences and conclusions.
What is retention? Retention is the process by which you store information. If you think something is important, you will retain it.
What are inferences? Inferences are drawing conclusions based on previous information.
What does the first P mean in the 5-Part (5 P's) Reading System? Prepare -- prepare yourself mentally and physically for reading by creating a positive, interesting attitude.
What does the second P mean in the 5-Part (5 P's) Reading System? Preview -- a quick survey of the chapter will give you a general overview. Pay attention to the title and other details.
What does the third P mean in the 5-Part (5 P's) Reading System? Predict questions -- make questions out of chapter heading, section titles, and definitions.
What does the fourth P mean in the 5-Part (5 P's) Reading System? Process information -- outline, underline, and highlight key words, main ideas, definitions, facts, and important concepts.
What does the fifth P mean in the 5-Part (5 P's) Reading System? Paraphrase and review -- summarize in your own words and review. This is also the reflective stage, so pause and reflect on main points, the reading, etc.
What is the SQ3R reading system? The SQ3R reading system has helped many students improve their reading comprehension. It breaks reading down into segments so that the material is understandable before the next step.
Who created the SQ3R reading system? The SQ3R reading system was developed by Professor Francis Robinson in 1941.
What does the S stand for in the SQ3R reading system? S = survey. Survey the material before reading it.
What does the Q stand for in the SQ3R reading system? Q = question. Find the main points and begin to formulate questions.
What does the first R stand for in the SQ3R reading system? R = read. Actively read the material and search for answers to your questions.
What does the second R stand for in the SQ3R reading system? R = recite. Recite the main ideas and key points in your words.
What does the third R stand for in the SQ3R reading system? R = review. Review the material carefully, along with the summary and questions.
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