
Flashcards on Untitled, created by amyawhittingham on 25/11/2014.
Flashcards by amyawhittingham, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by amyawhittingham almost 10 years ago

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Question Answer
Importance of Audiences Audiences are important for various reasons, firstly without audiences there would be no media. Secondly the mass media is becoming more competitive than ever to attract more and more audience in different ways in order to stay profitable. Also media organizations produce media texts to make profit this means that no audience will result into no profit which could potentially lead a company to bankruptcy.
Mass Audience The mass media are diversified media technologies that are intended to reach a large audience by mass communication. The technologies through which this communication takes place varies. Broadcast media such as radio, recorded music, film and television transmit their information electronically.
Niche Audience A niche audience is much smaller but very influential. A niche audience is a small, select group of people with a very unique interest. An example of a film which is aimed towards a niche audience is 'This is England' directed by Shane Meadows. It is a story about a troubled boy growing up in England, set in 1983. He comes across a few skinheads on his way home from school, after a fight. They become his new best friends even like family. The film is based on the experiences of director Shane Meadows
Categories of Audiences Audiences can be divided into categories based on social class. Every advertiser wants to target a particular 'type' of audience and therefore media companies produce texts to provide to a certain 'type' of audience.
Thriller Niche Film White House Down - White House Down is a 2013 American political action-thriller film directed by Roland Emmerich about an assault on the White House by a paramilitary group and the Capitol Police Officer who tries to stop them. The film's screenplay is by James Vanderbilt, and it stars Channing Tatum and Jamie Foxx, with supporting roles. The film is presented by Columbia Pictures, which is classed as a niche distributor, as it specialises in franchises.
Thriller Mass Film Dawn of the Planet of the Apes - Is about how ten years after a pandemic disease, apes who have survived it are drawn into battle with a group of human survivors. This film would be for a mass audience as the storyline and creation can relate to more then one audience type. As well as this it is presented by 20th Century Fox, which are also in the mass market for audiences.
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