Chapter 2: The Old Testament World, Real People Real Places


BIBL_105-B06_LUO (Chapter 2: The Essence of the Old Testament, A Survey) Flashcards on Chapter 2: The Old Testament World, Real People Real Places, created by sminor11 on 21/08/2013.
Flashcards by sminor11, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by sminor11 over 11 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Who were the early inhabitants of Mesopotamia and how did their culture influence the world of the patriarchs? Sumerians were the early inhabitants of Mesopotamia (Southern Iraq). It appears that the land of Ur was among the cities of Mesopotamia and so Abram who became Abraham would have come from there.
Why was the Hittite ability to make iron weapons so significant in the ancient world? It was the early beginnings of the iron age. It also appears that for nearly a hundred more years the Hittites began expanding its territory indicating this ability to smelt iron afforded them some influence and power in the region.
Who were the Assyrians and why were they so greatly feared? The Assyrians occupied the upper Tigris Valley in northern Iraq. They were a warmongering people and were especially cruel. One of their kings (Ashurbanipal II) bragged, "I stormed the mountains peaks...I slaughtered them, with their blood I dyed the mountains rel like wool, I decapitated their warriors and burned their children with fire."
Which language emerged as the major form of communication in the Middle East between 600 and 330 BC? Aramaic
Who were the original inhabitants of the Syro-Palestinian coastlands? The Canaanites
Who were the ancient merchants of the Middle East who sailed as far as Europe and North Africa? The Phoenicians
Which group of "Sea Peoples" played a significant role in the history of Israel? The Philistines
What are the major physical features of Israel? 9,500 square miles, an area the size of Vermont or the country of Belgium It extended 150 miles from north to south and about 75 miles at it's widest point. Includes beaches, farm lands, mountains, valleys, deserts, lakes, rivers and a salt sea.
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