The Cultural Revolution 1966-76


A level History (China) Flashcards on The Cultural Revolution 1966-76, created by Halima Hasan on 19/03/2019.
Halima Hasan
Flashcards by Halima Hasan, updated more than 1 year ago
Halima Hasan
Created by Halima Hasan over 5 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Prelude to Great Leap Forward Great Leap Forward failed to meet industrial targets= famine Mao adopted less prominent place in CCP Mao thought Liu Shaoqi and Deng Xiaoping using positions to mount challenge Mao felt he was losing grip on Party
Reasons for Mao's distrust Early 1960s- provinces of Gansu and Qinghai took over local gov & began to reverse collectivization programme in support of Liu and Deng Majority of provincial leaders loyal to Mao Mao's absence enabled factions to develop Turned to Lin Biao to regain dominance
Quotations for Chairman Mao Zedong PLA- institution w/ highest prestige & revolutionary tradition in China politicised as force committed to support of Mao Lin Biao& Chen Boda (leading communist) compiled 'Little Red Book'- early 1960s 33 chpts- inc. 'The Communist Party', 'Class struggle' & 'Culture & Art'- quotations Little Red Book secular Bible, source of truth Copy given to every soldier- used in study sessions- part of military training
Little Red Book- for the people 750 million copies of book distributed Prescribed source for every subject at school&university Workers filled breaks w/ communal reads Used to define all issues& settle disputes
Stroy of Lei Feng 1963-Published The Diary of Lei Feng- LRB daily journal for PLA lorry driver Every action and thought inspired by devotion to Mao Died under truck going by duties seen as martyr for revolutionary cause Story total fabrication
The Wu Han affair Play-'The Dismissal of Hai Rui from Office' by Wu Han Supposedly critical of dismissal of Peng Duhai for opposing GLF Provided Lin Biao pretext for opposing anti-Maoist elements of CCP 1965-attacks on Wu-1969= Wu suicide
Divisions in CCP Wu deepened divisions bet. CCP&PLA Jiang Qing, Mao's wife,, denounced reactionaries & revisionists on right of CCP Undermined Group of Five- set of moderate party officials led by Peng Zhen, mayor of Beijing- were peacemakers of CCP
The Shanghai Forum and Gang of Four Jiang Qing dominant figure in Shanghai Forum- set of Maoists who represented most controlling element of CCP Jiang urged to remove Liu Shaoqi and Deng Xiaoping from positions in CCP Lin Biao made Jiang in charge of PLA cultural policy
Central cultural revolution group
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