HASS - Revision end of terms


YOUR WELCOME. Happy studying :)
Fatima Syeda
Flashcards by Fatima Syeda, updated more than 1 year ago
Fatima Syeda
Created by Fatima Syeda over 5 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
HASS - Revision flashcards
What are rules? Rules are more formalised customs, they apply only to certain groups, rather than to all of society. Rules are not enforceable by law.
What are laws? Laws apply to everyone. A law is a legal rule or regulation that is made and enforced by parliament. Laws explain what our rights and responsibilities are and they exist to protect us and our property.
What is aboriginal law? Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people had a complex system of law and order in Australia. These rules and laws were not written down, they were incorporated into traditions and ways of life.
How is aboriginal law practiced. People who felt they had been wronged first tried to settle the dispute through the network of obligations that existed under the kinship system. Questions were asked and following this, a decision was made on how to settle the case.
How is aboriginal law communicated? It was communicated through dreaming stories, artwork, dances and ceremonies and celebrations.
Laws affecting young people. A 'young person' is anyone under the age of 18. Some areas of law that affect young people include drinking alcohol, buying tobacco products, getting tattoos and graffiti.
Australia Day Australia day is celebrated on 26 Jan annually. It is a chance for many Australians to consider what it means to be an Australian.
ANZAC Day Anzac day, 25 April, marks the anniversary of the first major military action by Australian and NZ forces during WW1. It became an important part of Australian and NZ and has shaped the way in which both nations see themselves.
How do we pass laws in Australian Government? A bill can only become a law if it is passed by a majority vote in the House of Representatives and the Senate. The bill must be agreed to in identical form by both chambers, and given Royal Assent by the Governor-General. It is then known as an Act of Parliament.
What are the three levels of court and what are their jobs?
Made by : Fatima
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