Elizabethan unit- history- torubles at home and abroad- gcse


Year 9 History Flashcards on Elizabethan unit- history- torubles at home and abroad- gcse, created by Clare Noone on 13/04/2019.
Clare Noone
Flashcards by Clare Noone, updated more than 1 year ago
Clare Noone
Created by Clare Noone over 5 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Give two reasons why Mary was a threat to Elizabeth Elizabeth had no children making Mary her heir, since Mary was Catholic this would have changed the English religion again-figurehead/Many powerful Catholic lords supported Marys claim to the throne/the Pope had encourage Catholics to overthrow Elizabeth and put Mary on the throne./ dangerous after Papal Bull in 1570 which urged Catholics to rise up against Elizabeth.
Give one reason why Mary fled Scotland to England She was accused of being involved in the murder of her second husband/Scotland had changed Religion from Catholic to Protestant/Mary had married the Prime suspect in her Second husbands Murder
How many key plots against Elizabeth can be linked to Mary? 4 (Norfolk’s rebellion/Ridolfi plot/Throckmorton plot/Babington plot).
Why did it take her so long to execute Mary There wasn't enough evidence that she supported the plots. It would anger France and Spain. It would undermine the principle of Divine Right and weaken the institution of monarchy. Babington plot provided evidence
Give one strength of the English Navy Smaller, faster ships/Experienced sailors like Francis Drake
Give one reason why Spain launched the Armada Phillip wanted to make England a Catholic country again/Elizabeth had allowed Drake to rob Spanish ships/Elizabeth had allowed Mary Queen of Scot to be executed/Elizabeth had supported Dutch rebels against Spain
How many ships were in the Spanish Armada? How many troops?how many priests 151/34000/180 priests to convert the english
Give two reasons why the Armada failed Weak leader, the Duke of Medina Sidonia was not a good sailor/English used fireships to scatter the Spanish Armada/The Duke of Parma was not ready/They were forced to sail around the coast of Scotland and Ireland, where they were destroyed by the bad weather
When did King phillip order the Spanish armada to attack england? 1588
What are the spanish armadas 5 M causes Missionaries: Spain was Catholic and King Philip wanted England to become Catholic again. Military: Elizabeth had sent troops to help Dutch rebels fighting Spain in the Netherlands. Marriage: Elizabeth had refused Philip's offers to marry her. Marauders: Elizabeth encouraged Drake and other privateers to attack Spanish ships and ports. Mary: The execution of Mary Queen of Scots angered France (she had been Queen of France too). This made Philip confident that France would not side with England.
Give two actions taken by Elizabeth against extreme Protestants. Suspended Archbishop Grindal for taking part in Prophesying/After 1583, she brought in rules to crack down on Puritanism/Executed Separatists like Henry Barrow and John Greenwood
Name one significant Puritan. Robert Dudley/ Francis Walsingham
What was a ‘Prophesying’? A spiritual meeting of Puritans where they would discuss religious matters, often criticising Elizabeth. archbishop o caterbury+Bishop grindal fired for doing this
Name one other branch of Protestantism Presbyterian/Separatist
What is a ‘Puritan’? An extreme branch of Protestantism that aims to ‘purify’ the Church of England of all Catholic influences. Robert dudley
John Stubbs once published a pamphlet criticising Elizabeth, how was he punished? His right hand was chopped off!
Why was the execution of Edmund Campion ‘controversial’? Although he was a Jesuit who spread Catholicism, he said that he never wanted to overthrow Elizabeth.
What does the term Jesuit mean? An extremist Catholic who goes to other countries to spread Catholicism.
Give one action Elizabeth took in response to these threats. catholic Leaders of the plots were executed. She increased fines for Catholics not attending Church of England Services. It was made treason to attend Catholic mass or have priests in your home.
Name two Catholic rebellions from Elizabeth’s reign. Norfolk Rebellion/Ridolfi Plot/Throckmorton Plot/Babington Plot
Which Catholic Monarch’s arrival in England sparked a number of rebellions? Mary, Queen of Scots
In 1570 the Pope published a special message about Elizabeth’s religious Act. What were the two results of this message? He excommunicated Elizabeth. He told Catholics to end Elizabeth’s rule in England.
Give one reason why Religion was a significant problem when Elizabeth came to power Her sister Mary was a Catholic and had burnt 300 Protestants. Many powerful English Lords were Catholic. Henry VIII’s reformation had led to four changes of the ‘official’ English religion in 50 years. Many Protestants wanted revenge for Mary’s persecution of them.
What was the official name of Elizabeth’s religious settlement? The Act of Uniformity
Which important member of the Privy Council helped create this religious settlement Act? William Cecil
What was a ‘Recusant’? Someone who did not attend Church of England services.
Give one reason why the Act was successful She did not pass harsh laws against Catholics making her seem fair/ She allowed Catholics to worship in private/ She kept Protestantism as the official Church of England avoiding another change/She remained head of the Church
Give one reason why the Act was not successful Some extreme Catholics would not accept any other religion but their own/Many Protestants were angry that Elizabeth allowed some Catholic aspects of religion to remain/There was a growing Puritan community who said Elizabeth was not doing enough to purify the Church and wanted further reforms.
if you have time learn about puritan challenge in book but if you cant leave it
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