Growth In Plants


Flashcards on Growth In Plants , created by Azlan Naeem on 22/04/2019.
Azlan Naeem
Flashcards by Azlan Naeem, updated more than 1 year ago
Azlan Naeem
Created by Azlan Naeem over 5 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
What are the stages of growth in plants? 1. Mitosis - identical daughter cells produced 2. Cells elongate - vacuole absorbs water 3. Cell wall strengthens 4. Differentiation of cells
Give examples of specialised plant cells. 1. Root hair cell 2. Palisade cell 3. Xylem cell
What is the function of the palisade cell and how is its structure related to its function? Found on the top of a leaf to carry out photosynthesis and is packed with chloroplasts to absorb sunlight. Has a tall, large surface area to get as much sunlight as possible.
What is the function of a Root Hair cell and how does its structure relate to its function? Root hair cells absorb water and minerals from the soil. It has a large surface area to absorb as muchnan as possible, doesnt have chloroplasts and has a thin cell wall so that water can pass through it easily.
Why is cell differentiation important in the development of specialised cells in plants? Differentiated cells are important to multicellular organisms because they perform a specialised function in the body.
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