GCSE English Language and Literature - Key Words and Terminology


Year 10 English (Revision) Flashcards on GCSE English Language and Literature - Key Words and Terminology, created by Sarah Stanley on 24/04/2019.
Sarah Stanley
Flashcards by Sarah Stanley, updated more than 1 year ago
Sarah Stanley
Created by Sarah Stanley almost 6 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
GSCE English Language and Literature Key Words and Terminology GSCE English Language and Literature Key Words and Terminology
Allegory A story, person or picture that can be interpretted to reveal a hidden meaning
Imperative Important
Jargon Special words or phrases, used by a specific group of people that others cannot understand
Fable A short story, typically with animals, conveying a moral
Rhetorical Question A question asked to create dramatic effect, rather than get an answer
Dialogue A conversation between two or more characters
Satire The use of humor to critize people, often used when critisizing politics
Emotive Language Refers to words or phrases that change the feel of a sentence and create a certain emotion
Passive Accepting and allowing what others do, without reacting or resistance Opposite of Active
Active Engaging with the actions of others, often in resistance Opposite of Passive
Irony Events that seem deliberately contrary, and often are amusing
Hyperbole Exaggerated statements or words athat aren't meant to be taken literally
Format How a text is set out
Context Helps us undersand how and why a text was written
Layout How a text is laid out to capture attention and interest
Structure How a piece of writing is put together
Images Used to capture a readers attention
Target Audience Who the text is aimed at
Audience General set of people who are liable to read the text
Generalised Make a general statement Make something more widespread and applicable to a wider audience
Contextual Depends on the following or preceding text to make sense
Anecdotal Not true or reliable, based on personal accounts rather than research
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