Religion thing for me


Flashcards on Religion thing for me, created by Chr Faz on 02/05/2019.
Chr Faz
Flashcards by Chr Faz, updated more than 1 year ago
Chr Faz
Created by Chr Faz over 5 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Covenant A sacred verbal agreement
Creation 1. The divine act where the world was made 2. The world and everything in it
Eucharist The sacrament by which believers share in the Paschal mystery of Christ's Death and Resurrection
Exodus The second book in the Old Testament that tells the story of the escape of the Israelite people
Harmony Order and congruity of parts with one another
Messiah The annointed one or Jesus
New Testament 27 Books on the experiences of God through Jesus and the early Christ
Old Testament 46 books about befer Jesus was born.
Passover A Jewish feast celebrating God's action of saving his people
Patriarchs The Fathers of the Israelite nation
Prayer The raising of one's heart and mind to God
Religious Ritual AN established set of actions and procedures
Sacred Objects Manufactured objects with a symbolic mean used in worship
Sacrifice The offering of something to God in order to please Him
Stewardship The careful and responsible management of something entrusted to one's care
Ten Commandments Rules for human conduct given to Moses on Mt Sinai which summarise all of God's laws
Yahweh One of the first names of God
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