system software programs


Flashcards on system software programs, created by Lauren Daly Unkn on 15/12/2014.
Lauren Daly Unkn
Flashcards by Lauren Daly Unkn, updated more than 1 year ago
Lauren Daly Unkn
Created by Lauren Daly Unkn almost 10 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
File Transfer file transfer is the act of transfering files over networks like the internet
anti virus anti viruses is program that detects and prevents bad software's from getting into your computer
disk clean up disk clean up is used to free space stored on the computer hard drives by searching and deleting unwanted files`
disk formatting disk formatting is the prosses of preparing a devise such as a hard disk for initial use (deleting all files)
anti spyware anti spyware is designed to detect and prevent spyware instillation and removes them if installed
disk defrragmentation a utility designed to increase speed access by rearranging files stored on a disk
system restore it is a feature in which the user reverts the computer to a previous state in time
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