Team leadership and team action


High School Diploma Science (Engineering Design) Flashcards on Team leadership and team action, created by Niat Habtemariam on 28/08/2013.
Niat Habtemariam
Flashcards by Niat Habtemariam, updated more than 1 year ago
Niat Habtemariam
Created by Niat Habtemariam over 11 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
-Leader directs actions -leader is above group -leader is sometimes not interested in what the rest of the groups says Traditional
-Leader communicates more with group members -Members rely on group for discussion Participative
-Leader is equal of group members -Leader is a worker Flat
-Leader isn't part of team -Leader advises team Consultant
-Find a common ground -keep talking until coming to an agreement -more creativity -takes time Consensus
-majority vote -quick -minority may become become alienated Majority
-Decisions made by subcommitee -quick -communication is reduced Minority
-the worst kind -compromising via bargaining and manipulating -little productive discussion -only those in true middle are happy Averaging
-seek advice of an expert -decision made on expert knowledge -expert opinion may vary Expert
-leader makes decision without advice -works well with small decisions -can generate mistrust in leader Authority rule without dicussion
-leader makes final decision after seeking input from team -team members feel valued -requires great communication between leader and group members Authority rule with dicussion
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