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Created by Riley Loades
almost 6 years ago
Question | Answer |
La Belle Dame Sans Merci (1819) John Keats Message? Poem/Theme Links? Context? | The message of this poem is that beauty and our illusions about it can deceive us. My Last Duchess (one-sided) The Manhunt, Neutral Tones, A Complaint, One Flesh and My Last Duchess (damaged relationships) Sonnet 43 (romantic love) Keats was a romantic poet. He died of Tuberculosis aged 25 and this poem in parts deals with his understanding life is short. He also experienced a love affair, which plays apart in this poem. The poem is set in Autumn a time when nature dies. |
A Child to his Sick Grandfather (1790) Joanna Baillie Message? Poem/Theme Links? Context? | The message of this poem is the relationship between the child and his efforts to help improve the life of his dying father - a relationship requires effort. My Father Would Not Show Us and Nettles (Family) It is a eulogy - a tribute to someone who has died but admired in life. The poet was an admired Scottish Romantic Poet. Baillie's family had links to scientific and philosophical communities. |
She Walks in Beauty (1814) Lord Byron Message? Poem/Theme Links? Context? | The message of this poem is that the speaker was in awe of this women's beauty as that for a painting, not in a sexual or passionate way. Sonnet 43 and I wanna be yours (admiration) The poet was a leading member of the romantic movement. It is believed that he was struck by his cousins beauty as she was in mourning. The poet had many stormy personal relationships. The poet was famously describes as 'mad, bad and dangerous to know'. |
A Complaint (1807) William Wordsworth Message? Poem/Theme Links? Context? | The message of the poem is about a grave change that the poet had undergone in his life, and how he is no longer who he used to be and now he is only a stranger to himself. The Manhunt, Neutral Tones, One Flesh, My Last Duchess and La Belle Dame Sans Merci (damaged relationships) The founder of Romantic poetry. He lost his parents at a young age, and the loss of three of his children in France. He sympathised with the France Revolution, but still didn't want to see the British Monarchy overthrown, leading to his style of poetry involving feelings, emotional connections and the pleasure of all things beautiful. |
Neutral Tones (1898) Thomas Hardy Message? Poem/Theme Links? Context? | The message of this poem consists of the narrator's feelings regarding a break up through a very negative tone and is more about reflecting on the past, rather than the future. The Manhunt, A Complaint, One Flesh, My Last Duchess and La Belle Dame Sans Merci (damaged relationships) The poet faced many disappointments in his personal relationships which influenced his writing. The poem wasn't published until 20 years after it was written. He often used 'colloquial' language to add realism. |
Sonnet 43 (1850) Elizabeth Barrett Browning Message? Poem/Theme Links? Context? | The message of this poem is that the speaker is proclaiming her unending passion and love for her beloved. I wanna be yours and She Walks in Beauty (admiration) This poem was written in the time of a patriarchal society. This poem is one of 44 sonnets written by this poet. The poet's future husband Robert Browning was a huge influence for her writing and allowed her to be even more engaging and realistic within the poem. |
My Last Duchess (1842) Robert Browning Message? Poem/Theme Links? Context? | The message of this poem is about a Duke and Duchess and their relationship. It is heavily suggested that the Duchess is dead, and through her life the Duke only wanted to control every aspect of her, even her feelings, emotions and thoughts. La Belle Dame Sans Merci (one-sided) I wanna be yours (obsessive love) The Manhunt, Neutral Tones, A Complaint, One Flesh and La Belle Dame Sans Merci (damaged relationships) The poem was written in the time of a patriarchal society. It is based on the relationship of an Italian Duke and Duchess from the 16th Century. |
1st Date - She and 1st Date - He (2011) Wendy Cope Message? Poem/Theme Links? Context? | The message of this poem is that both the male and female perspectives see their relationship similarly and differently in some aspects. It also shows how they both are enamoured by one another that they lie to be similar, when they already shared things in common. I wanna be yours (humorous) The poet usually targets her poems towards the everyday person instead of academics shown by her use of simple, everyday language. This poem is set to be for music and meant to be part of a series of 10 poems for a band/artist. |
Valentine (1993) Carol Ann Duffy Message? Poem/Theme Links? Context? | The message of this poem is the idea of a traditional love poem using an onion as a metaphor for the journey of their love. I wanna be yours and Love's Dog (metaphorical) This poet generally uses her poems as a way to give a voice to the under-privileged and allow the reader to step in the shoes of those people they may normally dismiss. The poem also likes to engage with the darker, grittier side of life and relationships as a weapon to make social and political points. |
One Flesh (1966) Elizabeth Jennings Message? Poem/Theme Links? Context? | The message of this poem is that no matter how physically close you may be, it can't change the distance in your thoughts and emotions. The Manhunt, Neutral Tones, A Complaint, My Last Duchess and La Belle Dame Sans Merci (damaged relationships) This poet was a devoted Roman Catholics which caused religion, life and death to play large parts in her writing. This poet was apart of 'The Movement', who believed that poetry should be studied and worshiped. |
I wanna be yours (1983) John Cooper Clarke Message? Poem/Theme Links? Context? | The message of this poem is the idea that you don't have to be complex and show off to be intriguing and appealing. The poem is simple, yet effective and honest. 1st Date - She and 1st Date - He (humorous) Love's Dog and Valentine (metaphorical) My Last Duchess (obsessive love) She Walks in Beauty and Sonnet 43 (admiration) The poet was an english performer who wanted his poems to be read aloud. The poet was inspired by the Punk Movement of the 1970's, who wanted a change in everyday life. |
Love's Dog (2008) Jen Hadfield Message? Poem/Theme Links? Context? | The message of this poem is that love can be interpreted in many different ways and invites the reader to contemplate the abstract nature of the topic, even the title alone asks so many questions. I wanna be yours and Valentine (metaphorical) This poet often takes inspiration from the countryside and nature around her. The poet likes to ask deep-thinking, philosophical questions which she applies to her writing style. |
Nettles (1980) Vernon Scannell Message? Poem/Theme Links? Context? | The message of this poem is that it has a simple and literal story, but also a completely figurative and deeper meaning when the reader delves beyond the visible words. A Child to his Sick Grandfather and My Father Would Not Show Us (Family) The Manhunt (War/Journeys) This poet was apart of the army and involved in war experiences. He deserted after 5 years in the army saying he had to escape or lose his own humanity. The poet was anti-war after he faced the horrors of war he faced. |
The Manhunt (2008) Simon Armitage Message? Poem/Theme Links? Context? | The message of this poem is about a wife and her perspective of her partners experiences in the military. The poem is melancholy and presents the image of a journey of torture and punishment this man had to go through in the army. Nettles (War/Journeys) Neutral Tones, A Complaint, One Flesh, My Last Duchess and La Belle Dame Sans Merci (damaged relationships) The poet usually demonstrates a strong concern for social issues in his writing. This poem is also apart of a documentary for permanently injured soldiers and their lives. |
My father Would Not Show Us (1988) Ingrid de Kok Message? Poem/Theme Links? Context? | The message of this poem is about the loss of their father, and how he the death of their father came as a great shock to the speaker and her siblings. A Child to his Sick Grandfather and Nettles (Family) The poet was brought up in South Africa during the Apartheid years. The poet uses personal memory and her understanding of identity to inspire her writing. |
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