Thoracic Spine Anatomy, Pathology, Exam and Treatments


NPTE NPTE Flashcards on Thoracic Spine Anatomy, Pathology, Exam and Treatments, created by Mia Li on 31/05/2019.
Mia Li
Flashcards by Mia Li, updated more than 1 year ago
Mia Li
Created by Mia Li about 5 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
The flat facets of the vertebra are covered with _____ cartilage and surrounded by a thin, loose _____. 1. hyaline 2. articular capsule
Locate the following ligaments: 1. supraspinous and interspinous ligaments 2. ligamenta flava 3. posterior longitudinal ligament 4. anterior longitudinal ligament
Name the superficial layer of intrinsic spinal muscles. splenius (capitis and cervicis)
Action of the splenius muscle Alone: ipsilateral lateral flexion and rotation. Together: extension of the head (splenius capitis) and the back (splenius cervicis)
Which muscle group lie in the intermediate layer of intrinsic spinal muscles? Erector spinae
List the erector spinae, from lateral to medial. 1. iliocostalis 2. longissimus 3. spinalis (closest to the spine)
Action of the erector spinea? 1. Unilateral contraction: Lateral flexion of the spine 2. Bilateral contraction: extension of the vertebral column
What is the intrinsic back muscles doing when you bend forward? Back extensors are eccentrically contracting to allow controlled flexion.
The deep layer of intrinsic back muscles consist of _______, _____ and ______. They are also called the ______. 1. semispinalis 2. multifidus 3. rotatores They are also called the transversospinal muscles
Action of the transversospinal muscles. 1. Unilateral contraction: ipsilateral side bend and contralateral rotation. 2. Bilateral contraction: extension of the spine
Articulation between thoracic vertebrae and ribs include which two joints? Costotransverse and costovertebral joints
What is the rule of 3? 1. T1-T3 transverse process is at the same level with respective spinous process 2. T4-T6 SP is half a level lower than TP 3. T7-T9 SP is 1 full level lower than TP 4. T10 is full level 5. T11 is half 6. T12 is same level
Which trunk muscles are in charge of inspiration? Diaphragm, levator costarum, external intercostals, anterior internal intercostals.
Which peripheral nerve innervates the diaphragm? Phrenic nerve
Which peripheral nerve innervates the intercostals? Intercostal nerve.
Segmentation of the phrenic nerve. C3 - C5
Segmentation of the intercostal nerve. T1 - T12
Muscle involved in forced expiration? 1. internal obliques, transverse abdominus, external obliques 2. posterior internal intercostals 3. rectus abdominus
Which nerve innervates muscles of forced expiration? Intercostal nerves (T1 - L1)
Which muscles are in charge of spine extension? Erector spinae, transversospinalis, interspinales, rotatores, intertransversarii
Which muscles are in charge of spine flexion? rectus abdominus, external and internal obliques, psoas major
Muscles only in charge of lateral flexion? quadratus lumborum
Muscles in charge of spine rotation Rotatores, internal/external obliques, intertranscersarrii, transversospinalis
The spinal plexii are formed by (ventral/dorsal) rami Ventral
Which vertebral level does the spinal cord terminate at? L1-L2. (conus medullaris)
Key subjective questions for the thoracic spine. 1. pain with breathing? 2. recent upper respiratory infection?
What effect does forward posture have at first and second ribs? elevated
Total flexion ROM of the thoracic spine 20 - 45 deg
Total extension ROM of the thoracic spine 20 - 45 deg
Total sidebend ROM of the thoracic spine 20 - 40 deg
Total rotation ROM of the thoracic spine 35 - 50 deg
Review the rib springing test. Positive finding is pain
Review the thoracic springing test. P/A at transverse process.
Which ribs are attached to the sternum? 1-7
What is the structure connecting the ribs and the sternum? Costal cartilage
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