

GCSE Physics (Falling safely) Flashcards on Untitled_22, created by fahimarehman04 on 30/08/2013.
Flashcards by fahimarehman04, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by fahimarehman04 about 11 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Why do all objects fall with the same acceleration? Because of gravity as long as the effect of air resistance is very small.
The size on the air resistance force on a falling object depends on what? It's cross sectional area-the larger the area the greater the air resistance. It's speed-the faster it falls the greater the air resistance.
When does air resistance have a significant on motion? When it is large compared to the weight of the falling object. The speed of a free fall parachutist changes as he falls to earth.
Why do drag racers use parachutes? To slow down them rapidly.
Give some information on gravitational field strength: It is unaffected by atmospheric conditions. Varies with position on the earths surface. Varies with height above or depth below the earths surface.
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