700 Idioms (2)


Most common idioms, phrasal verbs, etc
David Y
Flashcards by David Y, updated more than 1 year ago
David Y
Created by David Y over 5 years ago

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Question Answer
It is too late to change your mind, the order has been shipped. It is AN ACCOMPLISHED FACT AND YOU CANNOT CHANGE She married the man her parents disapproved of and presented them with a (STHG THAT HAS ALREADY HAPPENED AND CAN'T BE CHANGED). A FAIT ACCOMPLI = (/ˌfeɪt əˈkɑːmpliː/ /ˌfeɪz əˈkɑːmpliː/ The policy change was presented to us as a fait accompli, without consultation or discussion. If the idea here is to create a closed acoustic space, then it's a fait accompli. something that has already happened or been done and that you cannot change
Some say that rich, privileged people are TYCOONS/ BARRONS ( 2 WORDS). Why should those BIG SHOTS/ MAGNATES get rich at our expense? It's time to stop letting this fat cat oilman and his corporate cronies damage lives and our economy for their personal profit and power. a fat cat = /ˈfæt kæt/ a person who earns, or who has, a lot of money (especially when compared to people who do not earn so much)
They rushed to complete the highway before the deadline. They had been working at a VERY EXCITED/ HECTIC pace. He wrote QUICKLY AND EXCITEDLY. There was a lot of feverish activity backstage. a feverish pace = /ˈfiːvərɪʃ/ extremely excited __ preparations/ activity / haste / anxiety
The sports scholarship fund was a BEST WAY TO HONOR (SOMEONE ) to the famous athlete. Those words are a BEST WAY TO HONOR (SOMEONE )to him. This will be the only BEST WAY TO HONOR (SOMEONE ) for all the victims who are in our thoughts today. a fitting memorial I cannot help thinking that the most FITTING MEMORIAL is to secure peace
He had high grades in his first semester, but quit school partway through his second semester. He was just a SUCCESS FOR SHORT TIME That singer can't last. He's a SUCCESS FOR SHORT TIME He was named best new director of 1940, but his career was a SUCCESS FOR SHORT TIME. The concept turned out to be merely a SUCCESS FOR SHORT TIME and is no longer used. His first novel was a FLASH IN THE PAN, and he hasn't written anything decent since. Sadly, their success was just a FLASH IN THE PAN a FLASH IN THE PAN =someone or something that is popular or successful for a very short time only
She meant to deceive them, but they caught her, accusing her of a COMPLETELY AND WITHOUT DOUBT lie. He didn't win the count-the-pennies contest through skill, he just made a COMPLETELY AND WITHOUT DOUBT guess. He was just COMPLETELY AND WITHOUT DOUBT wrong. DNA analysis can COMPLETELY AND WITHOUT DOUBT identify a suspect sometimes. They claim that the poll was rigged, distorted, or a FLAT OUT lie. People are FLAT OUT sick and tired of losing their jobs to cheaper foreign labor. a FLAT OUT /a FLAT OUT guess flat out = completely and without doubt
I was working VERY HARD / FAST to get the reports done by last Friday. He worked VERY HARD / FAST from morning until night. The car was going VERY HARD / FAST at 120 mph. She asked him AS FAST AS POSSIBLE if he was seeing another woman as fast or as hard as possible
I went to other dentists who DIRECTLY ( AND NOT TRYING TO BE POLITE) refused to fix my teeth with crowns because of my insurance. Michael said DIRECTLY ( AND NOT TRYING TO BE POLITE) that he didn’t believe me. I told him FLAT OUT 'No'. flat out = directly, without trying to avoid offending or upsetting people
They predicted events would turn out like this. Everyone could see it coming. It was a ( OBVIOUS BEFORE IT HAPPENED). But gaining that support was not a ( OBVIOUS BEFORE IT HAPPENED) But is it really a ( OBVIOUS BEFORE IT HAPPENED) that all of these young people will turn to crime? We're taking it as a FOREGONE CONCLUSION that Dean is going to skate through the primaries unscathed. The outcome of the vote is a FOREGONE CONCLUSION. a FOREGONE CONCLUSION = a result that you can be certain about before it happens
He is a habitual criminal. So you can't say he made a positive contribution to the ALL THE TYPES OF GENES IN A SPECIES By cross-breeding with our native red deer, the sika deer have affected the ALL THE TYPES OF GENES IN A SPECIES The American GENE POOL is mutating into one in which people like me will be a minority within half a century. GENE POOL = /ˈdʒiːn puːl/ = all of the genes that are available within breeding populations of a particular species of animal or plant
Why believe her? She lies as a habit, a lot of the time, about many things. She's just a ___ ___. The HABITUAL LIER lies to feel good, to feel secure. S/he can not cope with the reality of being an “irrelevant” person, her/his capabilities are not giving him/her the possibility to behave in ways that could bring the real affirmation, and then s/he uses the lie as the last solution. Even close friends considered him a habitual liar. a habitual liar
His plan won't work. He hasn't thought about it enough yet. All it is is some NOT CAREFULLY THOUGHT scheme he has. Don't listen to his NOT CAREFULLY THOUGHT ideas. a HALF-BAKED /ˌhæf ˈbeɪkt/ = ____ idea / scheme / proposal / themes / alternatives / editorial / system / manner / observations / response / notions / beliefs / character / attempt / fantasies
The hottest area of the combat zone was a real EXTREMELY UNPLEASANT PLACE. I'm sick of living in thisEXTREMELY UNPLEASANT PLACE. They know that I mean well, even if I end up depicting our region as some sort of EXTREMELY UNPLEASANT PLACE. His son ran away from school, calling it a HELL-HOLE. Is it your goal in life to work in this HELLHOLE until you leave the earth? a HELL-HOLE /ˈhelhoʊl/= a very unpleasant place
The union is accusing the management of having a SECRET REASON ( TO DO STHG), something they aren't willing to admit. He accused the government of having a SECRET REASON ( TO DO STHG) Was there a HIDDEN AGENDA behind this decision? There are fears of a HIDDEN AGENDA behind this new proposal. a HIDDEN AGENDA /ˌhɪdn əˈdʒendə/ = the secret intention behind what somebody says or does
The car struck the pedestrian and left. It was a (CAUSED BY A DRIVER THAT DOES NOT STOP TO HELP ) accident. The accident is the latest in a recent spate of serious (CAUSED BY A DRIVER THAT DOES NOT STOP TO HELP ) collisions in the area. And about ten days later the mother of one of them was skittled in A HIT AND RUN accident. A HIT AND RUN accident = (of a road accident) caused by a driver who does not stop to help ___ death / driver / vehicle/ accident /
He is an incompetent pilot. He flies on a (WITH ONLY VERY SLIGHT CHANCE OF SUCCESS) The comments went up and the policy was never written and since then we've been operating on a (WITH ONLY VERY SLIGHT CHANCE OF SUCCESS). You can't organize a major outside broadcast on a (WITH ONLY VERY SLIGHT CHANCE OF SUCCESS) After seeing half the senior staff walk out, the school opened the new year ON A WING AND A PLAYER With hardly any funding and a staff of six, they were operating ON A WING AND A PLAYER A HOPE ( WING) AND A PLAYER = with only a very slight chance of success
The success of the case rests on the testimony of the prosecution's PRINCIPAL / MAIN VIEWER He is expected to be the PRINCIPAL / MAIN OBSERVER at the trial. The MOST IMPORTANT SPECTATOR for the prosecution was offered police protection after she received death threats. All doubtfulness vanish after the testimony of the KEY WITNESS. a KEY WITNESS
Business is unfair to newcomers, who naively expect a A SITUATION WITH THE SAME OPPORTUNITIES, where everyone is treated equally. We ask for a A SITUATION WITH THE SAME OPPORTUNITIES when we compete with foreign companies. Small businesses want to compete on a A SITUATION WITH THE SAME OPPORTUNITIES with larger ones. Society, unfortunately, is not a LEVEL PLAYING FIELD where this problem equally affects men and women. What we need here is a LEVEL PLAYING FIELD . a LEVEL PLAYING FIELD = a situation in which everyone has the same opportunities
Airport security considers passengers armed with weapons a SERIOUS DANGER. Drug abuse poses a SIGNIFICANT DANGER to the fabric of our society. I want to talk today about a CRITICAL DANGER facing our society, namely AIDS. Narcotics are a MAJOR THREAT to health. The fighting is a MAJOR THREAT to stability in the region. The spread of international crime and corruption constitutes a MAJOR THREAT to the global economy.
Since you were away for the test, you will have to write a (ANOTHER TO COMPENSATE ) examination. a make-up examination
He is out of bed after the operation, and has made a NOTICEABLE ENHANCEMENT. She said the school has shown a CONSIDERABLE UPGRADE this year in their efforts to retain the green flag. However, over the last month the manager has noticed a REMARKABLE DEVELOPMENT in their standards and he now believes that his side are ready to embark on a serious promotion push. If you follow the program to a T, by month's end, you'll see a MARKED IMPROVEMENT in your scores and feel more energized and confident about your physical abilities. a MARKED IMPROVEMENT
If you follow the program EXACTLY RIGHT by month's end, you'll see a marked improvement in your scores and feel more energized and confident about your physical abilities. if something suits you PERFECTLY RIGHT, it suits you perfectly If you have an activity or skill DOWN TO A T, you have succeeded in doing it exactly right. You can use to a T or to a tee to mean perfectly or exactly right
She realized he was (ON A COURSE OF ACTION THAT IS DIFFICULT TO STOP ONECE IT BEGUN) towards a life of crime. The company started down (ON A COURSE OF ACTION THAT IS DIFFICULT TO STOP ONECE IT BEGUN) of believing that they knew better than the customer. Once he'd tried that first cigarette, he was on (ON A COURSE OF ACTION THAT IS DIFFICULT TO STOP ONECE IT BEGUN) to being a smoker. Let's just hope he doesn't go down (ON A COURSE OF ACTION THAT IS DIFFICULT TO STOP ONECE IT BEGUN) of drugs and booze again. The country is ON A COURSE OF ACTION THAT IS DIFFICULT TO STOP ONECE IT BEGUN) to revolution. be on a/the slippery slope to something: 1. a course of action that is difficult to stop once it has begun, and can lead to serious problems or disaster 2. a problem or situation that is getting worse and will become extremely bad unless it is stopped Many people in their 40s and 50s are in their prime, yet some employers seem to consider them on the slippery slope to decrepitude. People say it is the start of the slippery slope to harder things like cocaine and heroin.
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