Chapter 4: Roman Empire


Flashcards on Chapter 4: Roman Empire, created by Naomi Dale on 24/06/2019.
Naomi Dale
Flashcards by Naomi Dale, updated more than 1 year ago
Naomi Dale
Created by Naomi Dale over 5 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
subligar/ subligaria loincloth
clavi broad purple bands on the tunics of emperors and senators
significance of purple purple came from a special type of snail and was not cheap at all
Augurs tell the future by cutting open a bird and reading its insides
purpose of toga the cloth was never pinned forcing you to present yourself in a formal way to prevent the toga from falling
pallium a broad rectangle of ornamental fabric that draped around te shoulders and crossed in the front (replaced the toga by the end of the empire)
strophium breast band
Roman Civilization Lifespan 7th century BC to the 4th century AD
what was the Roman empire before it was an empire a republic
toga candida died white and worn when presenting oneself in front of office
palla over tunics, draped shawl or scarf
stolla worn by free married women
bulla locket worn by young boys to protect them against the evil eye
Pax Romana Roman Peace
Pater Familias the oldest male member of a Roman Household
Toga Pulla black or dark colored toga
toga picta purple with gold embroidery
toga trabea multicolored, striped toga
gynaeceum workshop in Rome made specifically for weaving fabric
indutus "put on" garments
amictus "wrapped around" garments
paenula heavy wool cloak, semicircular in shape, closed at the front, with a hood
lacerna rectangular, with rounded corners and a hood
laena circle of cloth folded to a semicircle that was thrown over the shoulders and pinned at the front
Birrus resembling a modern, hooded poncho, cut full and with an opening through which the head was slipped
paludamentum large white or purple cloak similar to the Greek chlamys, worn by emperors or generals
insita distinctive dress of a Roman matron
vitta a woolen band used to bind hair
sundarium used for wiping off perpsiration
orarium slightly larger version of a sundarium
mappa table napkin that you carried around for yourself
abolla a folded rectangle fastening on the right shoulder
synthesis garment worn by men at dinner parties
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