Chapter 5: The Early Middle Ages


Flashcards on Chapter 5: The Early Middle Ages, created by Naomi Dale on 26/06/2019.
Naomi Dale
Flashcards by Naomi Dale, updated more than 1 year ago
Naomi Dale
Created by Naomi Dale over 5 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Charlemagne crowned 800 AD
what contirbution did Charlemagne make in western society mandatory schooling
natural hierarchy of the middle ages king local lords merchants and tradesmen Plebs
tablion large embroidered square at the front of the paludementum (showed high status)
Braies linen undergarments, briches
chemise linen undershirt
cote undertunic
cote of mail chain mail
surcote outertunic
sumptuary laws individuals were assigned colors and garments to wear based on their status
sericulture silk production
roundels/ segmentae rectangular or star shaped medallions that were placed in different areas of the tunic
amice a strip of linen placed around the shoulders and tied in position to form a collar
alb a long white tunic with narrow sleeves and a slit for the head, tied with a belt
chasuble Roman cape worn by the clergy, included sides cut shorter to allow movement of the arms
tonsure haircut
orphey y - shaped band pf embroidery
stole long narrow strip of material worn over the shoulder during mass
cope a voluminous cape worn for processions
cowl a hood that either attached to the tunic or was a separate garment
fief/ fiefdom land granted to those who were vassals of the king, he stayed there when he wasn't fighting
leg bandages strips of linen of wool wrapped closely around the leg to the knee and worn either over the hose or alone
clogs wooden platforms that raised shoes out of the water, mud, or snow
gores triangular wedges of fabric that provided fullness and shaping to a skirt
coif a cap tied under the chin and was similar to a modern babies bonnet
pelice/ pelicon applied to any number of fur trimmed garments including outer wraps, under tunics, and outer tunics
garnache long cloak with capelike sleeves
fitchets looks like pockets, but not pockets
fermail/ afiche used to close the top of the outer tunic, bliaut, or surcote
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