The Bahamas on Deck


Social Studies Curriculum Bahamian History
donnell major
Flashcards by donnell major, updated more than 1 year ago
donnell major
Created by donnell major over 5 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
The Blue Marlin is the National Fish of The Bahamas Our National Fish
The Yellow Elder is the National Flower of The Bahamas Our National Flower
The colors of the flag of The Bahamas are Aquamarine which represents our beautiful sea, gold for the sun, and black which represents the strength and vigor of our people. Our National Flag
The Pink Flamingo is the National Bird of The Bahamas Our National Bird
The Lignum Viate is the National Tree of The Bahamas Our National Tree
Bahamas Air is our National Flag Carrier Our National Flag Carrier
The National Coat of Arms Our Coat of Arms
Known as "The Father of our Nation" Sir Lynden was Prime Minister for 25 years Sir Lynden O. Pindling
Hon. Perry G. Christe
Hon. Hubert A. Ingraham
Hon. Hubert A. Minnis
Our Head of State Queen Elizabeth II
Grade 4 flashcards page break Grade 4 Flashcards page break
Hurricane: a tropical cyclone with wind speeds of at least 74 miles per hour, that move around a calm center called the 'eye'. Hurricanes
June 1st - November 30th Hurricane Season
What is an organization? An organization is a group of people who join together to get something done. An organization can be made up of people in the local community or the entire country. Organizations consist of members and officers. Officers include: Presidents, vice-presidents, secretaries
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