Created by Reni Apostolova
over 5 years ago
Question | Answer |
WORSHIP Her parents worship her. The building has been a place of worship since the eighth century. | to love, respect, and admire someone or something very much, often without noticing the bad qualities of that person or thing почитам, тача; боготворя |
SOAR /sɔːr/ All night long fireworks soared into the sky. Temperatures will soar over the weekend, say the weather forecasters. House prices soared a further 20 percent. | to rise very quickly to a high level повишавам се рязко скачам рязко |
CLASH /klæʃ/ Students clashed with police after demonstrations at five universities. The government and the opposition parties have clashed over the cuts in defence spending. | to fight or argue сблъсквам се |
REBUKE /rɪˈbjuːk/ I was rebuked by my manager for being late. | to speak angrily to someone because you disapprove of what they have said or done порицавам, укорявам |
SALVAGE /ˈsæl.vɪdʒ/ It was a desperate attempt to salvage the situation. After the fraud scandal he had to make great efforts to salvage his reputation | to succeed in achieving something in a situation or action that has been a failure спасявам от унищожаване, потъване, пленяване |
DEFEAT Our ambitions for this tournament have been defeated by the weather. I'm afraid anything that involves language learning has always defeated me (= I have been unable to do it). | to cause someone or something to fail провалям, осуетявам |
ENTAIL /ɪnˈteɪl/ Such a large investment inevitably entails some risk. These cuts will entail some job losses. Building the airport entails reclaiming huge areas of land from the sea. | to make something necessary, or to involve something изисквам, налагам влека след себе си водя до |
WADE /weɪd/ He waded into the water to push the boat out. Sometimes they had to wade waist-deep through mud. | to walk with an effort through something, especially water or mud |
BOLSTER /ˈbəʊl.stər/ More money is needed to bolster the industry. His score will bolster his confidence for the next match. | to support or improve something or make it stronger подкрепям, подпомагам подпирам |
VOW /vaʊ/ After a lengthy and painful divorce, she vowed never to remarry. She has vowed to remain true to the president whatever happens. | to make a determined decision or promise to do something заричам се, заклевам се; обещавам тържествено |
SHATTER /ˈʃæt.ər/ 1. He dropped the vase and it shattered into pieces on the floor. 2.Injury shattered his dreams of competing in the Olympics. | to break something suddenly into a lot of small pieces разбивам (нещо на парчета) to destroy something completely, especially somebody’s feelings, hopes or beliefs разбивам (чувства, надежди) |
SLEEP Our house at the beach sleeps six comfortably. | to have enough room or beds for a particular number of people to sleep in побирам за нощуване |
DISTINGUISH (yourself) He distinguished himself as a writer at a very early age. | to do something so well that you are admired and praised for it отличавам се |
REVERE /rɪˈvɪər/ Nelson Mandela is revered for his brave fight against apartheid. | to very much respect and admire someone or something почитам, тача, уважавам |
ENTRUST The rebuilding of London’s churches was entrusted to the brilliant young architect, Christopher Wren. He entrusted the task to his nephew. | to give someone a thing or a duty for which they are responsible поверявам |
OBSERVE People must observe the law. Nobody should be an exception. The old people in the village still observe the local traditions. | to obey a law, rule, or custom (formal) 1. спазвам, съблюдавам (правила, обичаи) 2. празнувам, чествам (празник, годишнина) |
OOZE Blood was still oozing out of the wound. | to flow slowly out of something through a small opening, or to slowly produce a thick sticky liquid процеждам се, просмуквам се |
SUCCEED He succeeded his father as editor of the paper. When the Queen dies, her eldest son will succeed to the throne. | to take an official job or position after someone else заемам мястото на наследявам |
STIPULATE The law stipulates that new cars must have seat belts for the driver and every passenger. We have signed a contract which stipulates when the project must be completed. | to say exactly how something must be or must be done определям условия; договарям |
EMPOWER The courts were empowered to impose the death sentence for certain crimes. | to give someone official authority or the freedom to do something упълномощавам, давам право |
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