Eletrical conductivity


Flashcards on Eletrical conductivity, created by Andrea Lima Alves Ruislan on 13/08/2019.
Andrea Lima Alves Ruislan
Flashcards by Andrea Lima Alves Ruislan, updated more than 1 year ago
Andrea Lima Alves Ruislan
Created by Andrea Lima Alves Ruislan over 5 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
What happen when I immerse the wires in salt solution? The lamp light on
What happen when I immerse the wires in sugar solution? The lamp doesn´t light on
Why does the lamp not light on in sugar solution? Sugar doesn´t allow electricity to pass
Why does the lamp light on in salt solution? Salt allows electricity to pass because salt dissociation
How I can represent salt dissociation? Salt
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