

Epic_dragonball 786
Flashcards by Epic_dragonball 786, updated more than 1 year ago
Epic_dragonball 786
Created by Epic_dragonball 786 about 5 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
What is the correct definition for computer system? A computer system is one that is able to take a set of inputs and process them to create a set of outputs this is done by a combination of hardware and software.
What goes into a computer system as inputs.....? the information entered into a computer system, examples include: typed text, mouse clicks
W|hat does a computer system do with inputs ____? They process them into meaningful information
What comes out of a computer as an output ___? information
How does a computer system know how to process the data that is input? By following a set of instructions called a "program"
Information that does not need to be output is ____?.. Stored
What is needed to input data into a computer system ___? An input device is needed
What form does input data need to be in for the computer to process it? It needs to be in digital data and must be manipulated into the information people want?
In order for the computer system to process the input, the physical effect needs to be converted into digital data. What exactly is this digital data____? Binary
Most output devices convert digital data into what___? A physical effect.
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