Physics - Heat Flashcards


All the definitions on the Heat chapters in the leving cert syllabus.
Flashcards by patriciadj, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by patriciadj over 9 years ago

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Question Answer
Temperature temperature is the measure of the hotness or coldness of a body
Unit of temperature Si unit : Kelvin (K)
Relationship between degrees celsius and kelvins 0 degrees celsius = 273.15 kelvins
Thermometric Property any physical property that changes measurably with temperature.
Examples of thermometric properties: · length of a column of liquid · electrical resistance · emf of a thermocouple · colour of certain crystals · volume of a gas at constant pressure · pressure of a gas at constant volume
Heat Capacity heat capcity of an object is the heat energy needed to change it`s temperature by 1K (1`C)
Specific Heat Capacity of a substance is the amount of heat energy needed to change the temperature of 1kg of a substance by one kelvin
Unit of Specific Heat Capcity joule per kilogram per kelvin ( J/kg/K )
Specific Heat Capacity of Water 4180 J/kg/K
Specific Heat Capacity of Copper 390 J/kg/K
Latent Heat (L) of a substance is the heat energy needed to change its state without change in temperature
Unit of Latent Heat joule (J)
Specific Latent Heat (l) of a substance is the amount of heat energy needed to change the state of 1kg of a sustance without a change in temperature
Unit of Specific Latent Heat joule per kilogram (J/kg)
Specific Latent Heat of Vaporisatiom of a sustance is the amount of heat enrgy needed to change 1kg of that substance from a liquid to a gas without a change in temperature (i.e. at its boiling point)
Specific Latent Heat of Fusion of a substance is the amount of heat energy needed to change 1kg of a substance from a solid to a liquid without a change in temperature (i.e. at its melting point)
Forms of Heat Transfer · Conduction · Radiation · Convection
Convection is the transfer of heat through fluid by means of ciculating currents of fluid caused by heat
Radiation is the transfer of heat energy from one place to another in the form of electromagnetic waves
Conduction is the movement of heat energy through a substance by the passing on of molecular vibration from one molecule to molecule. There is no overall motion of the substance
U-Value of a structure is the amount of heat energyconducted per second through one metre squared of that structure with a tempersture difference of 1K/C is maintained between its ends
Solar Constant (Solar Irradiance) is the average amount of the sun's energy falling per second perpendicularly on 1 metre of the earth's atmosphere. it's value is about 1.35 kW/m squared
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