Comparative and Superlative


To be Inglés Flashcards on Comparative and Superlative, created by Natalia Ramos Escalada on 30/09/2019.
Natalia Ramos Escalada
Flashcards by Natalia Ramos Escalada, updated more than 1 year ago
Natalia Ramos Escalada
Created by Natalia Ramos Escalada over 5 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
good better than the best
bad worse than the worst
tidy tidier than the tidiest
healthy healthier than the healthiest
confident more confident than the most confident
hard-working more hardworking than the most hardworking
untidy more untidy than the most untidy
happy happier than the happiest
friendly more friendly than the most friendly
big bigger than the biggest
hot hotter than the hottest
short shorter than the shortest
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