Heal Yourself


Quotes from your can heal yourself
vasudha s
Flashcards by vasudha s, updated more than 1 year ago
vasudha s
Created by vasudha s about 5 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
All is well in my world. Everything is working out for my highest good. Out of this situation only good will come. I am safe! I trust the Universe to help me see the good in everything and in everyone
I only speak positively about those in my world. Negativity has no part in my life. No person, place, or thing can irritate or annoy me. I choose to be at peace.
There is plenty for everyone, and we bless and prosper each other The more peaceful I am inside, the more peace I have to share with others
I know that old, negative patterns no longer limit me. I let them go with ease. Everything in my life works now and forevermore.
In the infinity of life where I am, all is perfect, whole, and complete. Filling my mind with pleasant thoughts is the quickest road to health.
I free myself from all destructive fears and doubts. Life brings me only good experiences. I am open to new and wonderful changes.
I am pain free and totally in sync with life. I forgive everyone in my past for all perceived wrongs. I release them with love.
I draw love and acceptance into my life, and I accept it now. Every experience I have is perfect for my growth.
I enjoy learning. Knowledge is power. Not all mistakes need correction. In the larger picture of life, some of them just blend in.
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