Ch. 2: The Court System (Pg 28)


Business and Law Flashcards on Ch. 2: The Court System (Pg 28), created by samhenley22 on 08/09/2013.
Flashcards by samhenley22, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by samhenley22 about 11 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Judiciary Branch and Judicial Review This branch interprets the laws, the decide whether the laws or actions of hte other two branches are constituional. Acts as a check on the other branches. - the process for making these decisions is known as the judicial review
Jurisdiction Juris = law Diction= to speak aka the power to speak before a court can hear a case it must have jurisdiction over the person, property or company against who the suit is against
1. in personam jurisdiction 2. in rem jurisdiction 1. in personam jurisdiction- personal jurisdiction over any person of business that resides in a certain geographical area 2. in rem jurisdiction- jusidiction over the thing. which means jurisdiciton over property that is within the courts boundaries
long arm statues when a court can exercise personal jurisdiction over certain out-of-state defendants, based on activites that took place within the state
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