
Flashcards on LAB 3, created by Taylor Levi on 13/11/2019.
Taylor Levi
Flashcards by Taylor Levi, updated more than 1 year ago
Taylor Levi
Created by Taylor Levi over 5 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
CN I Olfactory Nerve Exits from the foramina of the cribriform plate. Has sensory neurons. smell.
CN II Optic Nerve Exits at the optic canal. Has sensory neurons. vision.
CN III Oculomotor Nerve Exits at superior orbital fissure. Has motor neurons. intrinsic and extrinsic eye movement.
CN IV Trochlear nerve Exits at superior orbital fissure. Has motor neurons. extrinsic eye movement.
CN V Trigeminal nerve V1 ophthalmic nerve. Exits at superior orbital fissure. Lacrimal glands, upper eyelid, skin of forehead and nose. V2 maxillary nerve. Exits at foramen rotundum. lat. scalp, lat. nose, cheek, lower eyelid, upper lip. V3 mandibular nerve. Exits at foramen ovale. Both sensory and motor neurons. skin, sense of ant 2/3 of tongue, motor supply to muscles of mastication.
CN VI Abducent nerve Exits at superior orbital fissure. Has motor neurons. extrinsic eye movement.
CN VII Facial Nerve Exits at Internal acoustic meatus. has both sensory and motor neurons. ant 2/3 of tongue for taste, muscles of facial expression.
CN VIII Vestibulocochlear Exits at internal acoustic meatus. Has sensory neurons. Vest. branch for balance Cochlear branch for hearing
CN IX Glossopharyngeal exits at jugular foramen. has sensory and motor neurons. muscles of pharynx, post 1/3 of tongue for taste and sense
CN X vagus exits at jugular foramen. has sensory and motor neurons. musculature of pharynx and larynx, parasympathetic innerv. of heart and major viscera of abdomen.
CN XI accessory nerve Exits at jugular foramen. has motor neurons. Trapezius and sternocleidomastoid.
CN XII hypoglossal exits at hypoglossal canal. has motor neurons. muscles of tongue movement.
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