

Flashcards on E212 , created by Sally Cavaglieri on 14/09/2013.
Sally Cavaglieri
Flashcards by Sally Cavaglieri, updated more than 1 year ago
Sally Cavaglieri
Created by Sally Cavaglieri over 11 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Lloyd de Mause argued until recently childhood had ben life of pain & misery due to adults failing to emphasise with children & see the world as they did ~ he alleged children were ill-treated by parents & argued they were often beaten or even killed or abused ~ he felt it was not until mid 20th century that parents began to engage with their children on their own terms ~ adopting a more helpful child rearing practice where children were treated much better ~ others dispute this yet it does highlight the treatment of children in the past Linda Pollock challenged Aries findings and got her evidence from documentation and written text, parental & siblings that expressed grief over loss of infants and stated parents were aware of fragility of children ~ argued parents recognised love & concern for children in middle ages & were cared and loved by parents ~ she felt parent/child relationships changed continually due to influence of war & peace, regime changes and levels of wealth
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