Java Software Development  Unit 1


Java Software Development Flashcards on Java Software Development  Unit 1, created by nina.evangelou on 17/09/2013.
Flashcards by nina.evangelou, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Created by nina.evangelou about 11 years ago
Copied by nina.evangelou about 11 years ago

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Question Answer
abstraction A description that focuses on the essential features of a problem and ignores other details.
activation rectangle An element in a sequence diagram that represents a period during which a particular object is active.
adaptive method A method of software development which embraces change by building space for it into the schedule.
analysis In this context, analysis involves analysing the specified requirements and expressing, in computing terms, what the software system should do.
application A program that performs a specific function directly for the user and, in effect, turns the computer intoaspecialised computer, such as a word processor or web browser.
behaviour (of a software system) The set of tasks the system performs.
CASE (computer-aided software engineering) tool A software tool used to help in some aspect of software development.
class A template that serves to describe all instances (objects) of that class. It defines the type of data held by the objects and the object’s operations
client This term has two main meanings in the context of software development: (i) the object in a collaboration which requests a service: (ii) the person(s) commissioning the software.
code-based testing tool A testing tool that automatically analyses code and produces test cases
coding tool A CASE tool that aids writing or running code
collaboration One object requesting a service from another object.
collaborator A participant in a collaboration.
core system The part of the system that is distinct from the user interface and that usually contains objects corresponding to real-world entities
design Deciding how the system will meet the specified requirements
design tool A CASE tool that aids some aspect of design
designer A developer whose role is to work on the design stages of a project
detailed design and implementation Deciding which existing classes can be reused and what programming constructs are appropriate as well as writing the actual code.
developing a conceptual model Analysing the requirements to determine the classes and connections between them that appropriately model the key concepts in the real world area the system is being written for.
developing a user interface Designing the user interface and determining how it will communicate with the core system.
developing dynamic models Designing and comparing models of the interactions among objects which will achieve the tasks required of the system.
doc form A form of Java comment marked by /**at the beginning and */ at the end.
dynamic model An illustration of events occurring in a system over time
identifier A label that is used to refer to an object in a system.
implementation Translating a design into program code.
in-house standards A company’s specified standards to which its software must adhere
integrated development environment (IDE) A software tool which facilitates many of the tasks associated with writing and running programs in a specific language.
call or invoke (a method) To execute a method’s code.
iteration One cycle through the phases involved in an iterative method.
iterative method An adaptive method of software development in which phases are repeated iteratively in a systematic manner.
Java application A program run directly by the Java Virtual Machine.
Javadoc A software tool which extracts doc comments from a Java program and from them provides a description of elements of the program, such as methods, output in the form of an HTML file.
JUnit A software tool that assists with testing Java classes.
large-scale project A project in which the amount and complexity of detail involved cannot readily be handled by one or two people, so that the project is best carried out by a team of people, with different individuals working on different aspects of the project.
lifeline An element in a sequence diagram that represents the time during which an object exists.
link A connection between two objects.
maintenance The phase of software development associated with keeping the system working to the satisfaction of its users.
message A request by one object for another object to provide a service.
modelling language A specification of how models should be constructed so that their meaning is unambiguous.
object A collection of data and a set of operations that can be applied to the data.
object diagram An illustration of objects and the links between them.
Object Management Group (OMG) A consortium of computing companies which sets standards across the software industry, including the UML standards
phase A stage of software development.
predictive method A method of software development which is largely based on the waterfall method and which therefore benefits from simplicity of planning, and predictability.
program documentation Comments and explanations designed to assist someone in understanding the implementation of software, what it does and how to use it.
programmer A developer whose role is to implement the code.
project documentation A written description of the activities, decisions and outcomes of a project’s phases.
project failure A situation where a project fails to deliver the client’s requirements in some way (e.g. in terms of cost, development time, or functionality).
project manager A person who plans and oversees the running of a software development project.
project manager A person who plans and oversees the running of a software development project.
prototype An early working version of a system or part of it
requirements What is required of the system.
requirements analyst Someone usually involved in the early stages of a project who elicits and analyses the requirements of a proposed system. They may also become involved in preliminary aspects of design.
requirements specification Eliciting and analysing what the client wants in order to produce a detailed and complete specification of the tasks required (i.e. the required functionality) of the system.
review A point within an iterative software development method where developers and clients can take changes into account.
sequence diagram An illustration of objects collaborating to carry out a particular task.
server The object in a collaboration that provides a service.
software developer An umbrella title, referring to someone who takes on one or more of a range of jobs within software development.
software development t A planned, phased process, involving modelling different aspects of the software as well as implementing, testing and maintaining it.
software development method A particular set of development phases applied in a particular order.
software engineering A term used to refer to a wide range of concerns connected with carrying out systematic software development.
software model An illustration or description of the software, or of part of it, which emphasises certain aspects and omits others.
software system A program which is large in the sense that it carries out a number of tasks, some of which may be complex.
software tester A developer whose role is to test the software as it is being developed.
state (of a system) The objects, their attribute values and the links between them, which constitute the system at a particular time
state (of an object) The value of the object’s attributes.
static model An illustration of the state of the system, or part of it, at a particular time.
strict UML diagram A diagram that adheres strictly to the UML standard.
system code The source code which, when run, generates the system
systems analyst A developer who is a technical expert in software systems and whose role is to analyse the feasibility of a proposed system and how it will impact on the client’s business practices.
target language The language in which the planned software is to be implemented
technical writer er A developer whose role is to develop user documentation.
test driver tool A testing tool that executes the software being tested with specified inputs.
testing The activities that take place at each phase of development to ensure that the phases of development are consistent and complete with respect each other, and also consistent and complete with respect to the requirements.
testing tool A CASE tool that aids some aspect of testing.
UML standard The currently accepted specification of what is valid UML and how it should be used.
UML-type diagram A diagram that varies in some small way from the strict UML standard.
UML (Unified Modeling Language) A modelling language based on diagrams
waterfall method A traditional and idealised view of developing software by strictly following a sequence of phases.
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