Created by tasha_stevens14
about 10 years ago
Question | Answer |
Beanpole Families | A family with strong intergenerational links (between parents and grandparents. |
Bigamy | Marrying someone whilst being married to another person. |
Birth Rate | The number of births per 1000 each year. |
Breadwinner | The person in the family who earns the money to support the family. |
Cereal packet family | A husband and wife with their two dependant children (boy+ girl). |
Child-centredness | Where the child's needs are the most important thing and come first. |
Civil partnership | What gay couples get instead of marriage. |
Cohabitation | A couple living together who aren't married. |
Commune | A group of people living together, sharing possessions and responsibilities. |
Conjugal roles-Joint | A married couples jobs around the home are similar. |
Segregated conjugal roles | A married couples jobs around the home are different. |
Death rate | The number of deaths per 1000 each year. |
Demography | The study of statistics that illustrates the changing structure of human populations. |
Domestic abuse | Abuse within the family. |
Domestic division of labour | How jobs are divided within the family. |
Divorce rate | The number of divorces per 1000 each year. |
Dual-worker families | Both parents in the family work and earn money. |
Extended family | A family which includes grandparents and other relatives such as cousins. |
Empty nest | How a family lives after all their children have left home. |
Empty shell marriage | A couple that are married legally but only through the name. There is no communication and it is like two strangers living in the same home. |
Family diversity | The different types of the family. |
Fertility rate | Births per 1000 women each year. |
Generation | People born and living at around the same time. |
Household | One person living alone or a group of friends living together. |
Househusband | A husband doing the jobs around the home that a housewife usually does instead of going to work. |
Housewife | A wife staying at home instead of working and doing all the jobs at home. |
Lone-parent family | One parent living alone with their children. |
Marriage rate | The number of marriages per 1000 each year. |
Matriachal family | A family headed and full of strong women. |
Monogamy | The act of being married to one person at a time. |
New man | The male in the house doing more jobs around the home. |
Neo conventional family | A dual working family where both parents go to work. The woman is employed outside the home rather than the traditional nuclear family. |
Nuclear Family | A husband and wife with their dependant children. |
Patriarchy | Where a family is headed by a male. |
Polygamy | The act of being married to more than one person at a time. |
Reconstituted family | Two families forming one, step parents and sibling. |
Symmetrical family | The jobs within the home between males and females are similar, not different. |
Traditional family roles | The roles people are expected to do in the home. Females are expected to do the invisible jobs. Males are expected to be the breadwinner. |
Secularisation | The decrease in people believing in a religion. |
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