History Crime and Punishment Dates


Flashcards on History Crime and Punishment Dates, created by ollietablet123 on 06/03/2015.
Flashcards by ollietablet123, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by ollietablet123 about 10 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
When did the Romans invade Britain? 43AD
When did Boadicea rebel? 61AD
When did the Norman Conquest begin? 1066
When were Church courts set up? 1072
When was the Assize of Clarendon written and who was the king at the time? 1166 and Henry II
When was Thomas Becket killed? 1170
When was the role of a Coroner established and what was their role? 1190's and to investigate mysterious deaths
What was abolished in 1215? Trial by Ordeal
When was the role of a Constable established? 1250's
What was established in 1363? Justices of the Peace (JP's)
Who were the rulers during the 16th Century? Tudors
What happened between 1530 and 1560? Reformation
Who tried to blow up parliament and in what year? What was their punishment? Guy Fawkes, 1605 Punishment: Hung, drawn and quartered
Between what years was the English Civil War? and Who were the opposing sides? 1642 - 1651 Roundheads & Cavaliers
What happened around the end of the 17th century? Scientific Revolution
When was Habeas Corpus introduced and what does it mean? 1679 and "present the body"
When was the Whaltham Black act introduced? 1723
When was Jonathan Wilde hung? and who was he? 1725 Thief-taker General
When were the Bow Street Runners established? and by who? 1749 John and Henry Fielding
What year was the French Revolution? 1789
When was the Peterloo Massacre? 1819
In what decade was the Bloody Code abolished? 1820's
When was the Metropolitan Police Act passed? 1829
When were the Tolpuddle Martyrs arrested? 1834
When did policing become nationwide? 1856
In what year did transportation end? 1868
What year was the last PUBLIC execution? 1868
Who was the serial killer active in 1888? Jack the Ripper
When did the Suffragettes start campaigning? 1903
What year was the General Strike? 1926
When was the domestic abuse act passed? 1976
Who was on strike in 1984? Miners
When were the poll tax riots? 1990
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