

Flashcards on Electricity, created by love49 on 09/03/2015.
Flashcards by love49, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by love49 over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Electric current is measured in... Amperes (amps)
The same charges ......... each other, while opposite charges .......... each other. The same charges REPEL each other, while opposite charges ATTRACT each other.
Electric potential energy is measured in.... Volts
Lightning is.... is a discharge of electricity in the atmosphere.
When an electric charge builds up on the surface of an object it creates.... Static electricity
Where are positive protons found in atoms. Positive protons are found in the nucleus.
Atoms contain two types of charge. The positive protons (found in the nucleus) and negative electrons.
When you rub plastic with a cloth (e.g woolen) the electrons are rubbed off the plastic and onto the cloth. Why are the Electrons moved but not the protons? Only the electrons are moved because the protons are at the centre of the atoms and the electrons are at the outside and have no mass. Therefore only the electrons would be able to move.
When you rub a plastic rod with a cloth it gains electrons and therefore becomes... Negatively charged because there is more electrons then protons.
If a plastic rod loses electrons it then becomes.... Positively charged because there are less electrons than protons.
Electromagnet A temporary magnet, relying on electricity to work..
Voltage Is a measure of the amount of energy per charge or how hard the electrons are pushed.
Lightning A large discharge of static electricity.
Transformer Used to change voltages.
Power station A place where electricity is generated on a large scale.
Electron A small, negative particle.
Turbines These move in power stations as part of generators.
Ammeter A device which measures the amount of current.
Parallel More than one complete conducting pathway.
Circuit Conducting pathway with an electrical supply.
Series A circuit with components wired one after each other. OR. A circuit with one complete conducting pathway.
Insulator A substance that does not conduct electricity.
Voltmeter A device used to measure the voltage loss or gain.
Hydro electricity Electricity generated by moving water.
Resistance Measures how difficult it is for a current to flow.
Current The rate of flow of electric charge measured in amps.
Electric motor A machine that changes electricity to movement.
Coil A wire wound around and around
Solar power Electricity generated by sunlight.
Direct current Type of electricity supplied by batteries.
Alternating current Type of electricity taken to homes by power cables.
Conductor A substance which allows electricity to flow.
ohm A unit of resistance
Static A type of electricity that does not flow through the material.
Cell A device using chemicals to produce electricity
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