
Estas fichas están enfocadas a consolidar y repasar los contenidos más básicos de operaciones con fracciones.
Carlos Martínez
Flashcards by Carlos Martínez, updated more than 1 year ago
Carlos Martínez
Created by Carlos Martínez about 10 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
SUMA DE FRACCIONES CON DISTINTO DENOMINADOR 4/3 + 5/7 = = (4·7)/21 + (5·3)/21 = = 28/21 + 15/21 = = 43/21
2/3 + 3/5 = 19/15
3/7 + 3/4 = 33/28
2/9 + 4/3 = 14/9
2/5 + 1 = 7/5
3/8 + 1/2 = 7/8
2 + 5/6 = 17/6
4/9 + 2/5 = 38/45
1/4 + 2/3 = 11/12
3 + 2/7 = 23/7
1/6 + 2/3 = 5/6
RESTA DE FRACCIONES CON DISTINTO DENOMINADOR 4/3 - 5/7 = = (4·7)/21 - (5·3)/21 = = 28/21 - 15/21 = = 13/21
1/3 - 2/7 = 1/21
5/6 - 3/4 = 1/12
8/3 - 2 = 2/3
4/5 - 3/8 = 17/40
11/9 - 3/4 = 17/36
1 - 4/5 = 1/5
8/9 - 2/3 = 2/9
5/2 - 6/7 = 23/14
7/4 - 1/2 = 5/4
5/3 - 3/4 = 5/12
PRODUCTO DE FRACCIONES a/b · c/d = (a·c)/(b·d) 1/4 · 7/8 = (1·7)/(4·8) = = 7/32
2/5 · 3/7 = 6/35
1/4 · 3/5 = 3/20
4 · 8/3 = 32/3
7/5 · 4/3 = 28/15
7/9 · 4/3 = 28/27
7/8 · 7/2 = 49/16
8/3 · 7 = 56/3
2/9 · 1/5 = 2/45
9/4 · 9/4 = 81/16
7/2 · 5/9 = 35/18
COCIENTE DE FRACCIONES a/b : c/d = (a·d)/(b·c) 2/5 : 7/8 = (2·8)/(5·7) = = 16/35
6/7 : 5/4 = 24/35
7/9 : 3/2 = 14/27
5 : 2/3 = 15/2
8/3 : 5/7 = 56/15
7/6 : 2/7 = 49/12
9/8 : 2/3 = 27/16
5/3 : 3/5 = 25/9
4 : 3/7 = 28/3
1/8 : 7/3 = 3/56
8/5 : 7/4 = 32/35
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