The relation between birth order and personality


How the order children are born a¬ffects their personalities.
Eulalia Pumagualle
Flashcards by Eulalia Pumagualle, updated more than 1 year ago
Eulalia Pumagualle
Created by Eulalia Pumagualle almost 5 years ago

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Question Answer
Psychology magazines say that first children are often self-critical because parents push them to succeed more than they do with their other children. They also say that first children often feel more comfortable with people older than themselves and They seem to have a short childhood and grow up fast.
That’s Brian, He is the Jannie’s oldest .He’s fifteen. Brian’s fine. Brian’s always fi ne. He’s doing great at school. I’m sure he’ll get into a great university in a couple of years. He’s a great kid—works hard, he plays by the rules, and he’s successful at almost everything he does. The only thing that sometimes worries me about Brian is that he can be a little too self-critical.
I were involved in everything Brian did—music lessons, karate lessons, Chinese class on Saturday—we drove him to all his classes. We picked him up after they were over. We always asked him a lot of questions about how he was doing. He probably thought our message to him was that he had to be good at everything. But we were just interested. We didn’t actually push him to be good at everything, but he may have thought we expected a lot of him. Kids internalize those messages.
Brian is the classic fi rst child. They say that fi rst children often feel more comfortable with people older than themselves. They seem to have a short childhood and grow up fast.
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