Early child development 2


Psychology Flashcards on Early child development 2, created by Nubian on 22/09/2013.
Flashcards by Nubian, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by Nubian about 11 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
What is contingency Punishment must be severe and applied - Two events are said to be contingent on one another if the presence of one event immediately results in the occurrence of the other.
What is Positive Reinforcement refers to the presentation of an unpleasant stimulus that will decrease the occurrence of the behaviour it follows. ‘Time-out’ is where a child is isolated from a reinforcing stimulus in their environment, with the aim of producing a decrease in the target behaviour
What is response cost is where a penalty is applied every time an undesired behaviour is produced, again resulting in a decrease in that behaviour. The penalty, may be, for example, the removal of ‘tokens’ – items that are valued by the person, such as reward stickers or money
What is operant conditioning Operant Coniditioning is a method for modifying behaviour through consequences for responding.The two categories of consequences are reinforcement and punishment and these can each be divided into positive and negatives types
What is social learning theory Bandura's Social Learning Theory is that people learn from one another, via observation, imitation, and modelling
What is mental representation An internalized, personal understanding of some aspect of the external world.
What is object permanence The understanding that objects exists when they can no longer be seen.
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