
Time line of technological innovation using flashcards
christina Littlewood
Flashcards by christina Littlewood, updated more than 1 year ago
christina Littlewood
Created by christina Littlewood almost 5 years ago

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Question Answer
January 1801 Frenchman, Joseph-Marie Jacquard builds a loom that weaves by reading punched holes stored on small sheets of hardwood.
January 1820 Charles Babbage begins his lifelong quest for a programmable machine.
January 1822 Charles Babbage builds the Difference Engine
January 1842 Ada Lovelace (the first programmer), uses the difference engine to mechanically translate a short piece of written work.
January 1854 George Boole (father of computer science), writes an investigation of the laws of thought.
April 1890 Herman Hollerith, of MIT, develops an electric system to read punch cards.
January 1892 William Burroughs introduces a commercially successful printing calculator.
February 1918 The Enigma Machine is invented by a German engineer, called Arthur Scherbius, at the end of World War 1.
July 1927 Vannevar Bush of MIT builds the differential analyser to solve differential equations
July 1939 Hewlett Packard is founded by David Packard and Bill Hewlett.
February 1941 Konrad Zuse builds a mechanical calculator to handle maths within engineering.
February 1944 The IBM Automatic Sequence Controlled Calculator (ASCC), called the Mark 1, was introduced at Harvard University.
January 1945 A moth was noticed in the Mark 1, during repairs, which was causing problems. From this day on, fixing a computer was known as debugging.
June 1948 The Manchester Small-Scale Experimental Machine (SSEM), was developed as the world’s first stored program computer.
January 1950 The ERA 1101 is developed, the first commercially produced computer.
April 1952 The IBM 701 was announced to the public on April 29, 1952, and was IBM’s first commercial scientific computer.
April 1953 Vacuum tube memory is surpassed by core memory which is smaller and can store more data.
April 1957 A new computer language is developed called FORTRAN (Formula Translator). This allows for a program to repeat a task through the use of loops.
April 1964 IBM introduces the System/360 to the business world.
March 1968 The eight inch floppy disk started to become a standard for portable storage.
September 1969 Victor Scheinman develops the Stanford Robotic Arm.
October 1969 The Arpanet was created and allowed for the computers at Stanford and UCLA to be connected for the first time.
May 1970 An Arpanet network was created between Harvard, MIT and BBN.
July 1971 Email was developed by Ray Tomlinson. He decided to use the @ symbol to separate the username from the computer name.
January 1975 The first email client was developed by John Vittal, a programmer at the University of South California.
July 1975 Microsoft is founded by Bill Gates and Paul Allen.
September 1975 The first computer is marketed in kit form. Bill Gates writes a BASIC compiler for this computer.
September 1975 The first laptop, called the SCAMP (Small Computer APL Machine Portable), is developed by IBM.
September 1975 Steve Jobs and Steve Wosniak found Apple Computers.
November 1977 The first PC modem is developed by Dennis Hayes and Dale Heratherington.
August 1978 The first unsolicited email (SPAM), is sent out to over 600 Arpanet users by Gary Thuerk.
November 1980 The first Hard Disk Drive was created and could hold up to 5 megabytes of data.
August 1981 Bill Gates releases MS-DOS (Microsoft Disk Operating System).
November 1981 The BBC Microcomputer System is developed.
January 1984 The Domain Name System (DNS), was created. Without this, accessing the internet would be more difficult.
April 1984 Apple computers launched the Apple Macintosh computer.
November 1987 The internet has nearly 30,000 hosts due to the adoption of the TCP/IP standard.
March 1988 The first major computer virus was released. Known as the Morris Worm, it caused large interruptions for many internet users.
March 1989 The proposal for the World Wide Web was written by Tim Berners-Lee.
March 1990 Tim Berners-Lee develops HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language).
May 1990 Windows 3.0 is launched.
August 1990 The first dial-up internet provider was created and named The World.
April 1991 The first web page was created.
May 1991 The first web cam was deployed at Cambridge University. Its sole purpose was to monitor the coffee machine.
May 1994 Yahoo is founded by Jerry Yang and David Filo.
July 1994 Amazon.com was started by Jeff Bezos. It started off as an online shop for books.
July 1995 SSL (Secure Socket Layer), was developed by Netscape. This made it safer to shop online using a credit card.
September 1995 Echo Bay made its first sale using the internet. This company later became know as eBay.
July 1996 Hotmail is developed and launched for public access.
July 1998 Windows 98 is launched despite being blocked by some US Attorneys for interconnecting with other programs.
September 1998 Google Search Engine was launched.
May 1999 The SETI@home project was launched. This used over 3 million personal computers worldwide, when idle, to act together as a supercomputer.
January 2001 Wikipedia is launched. This paved the way for collective web content generation.
October 2001 Microsoft release Windows XP to the public.
March 2002 CD burners start getting run out by DVD burners as file size continues to grow. DVD's can hold up to eight times as much as a CD.
April 2003 Apple opens their first iTunes store.
February 2004 Mark Zuckerberg launches Facebook.com.
April 2004 Google launches Gmail, a web browser based email client.
May 2004 The USB flash drive become the device of choice for moving media between computers.
February 2005 YouTube is launched allowing for sharing and hosting of videos.
July 2006 Intel Release the second generation of their dual core processors, the Core 2 Duo.
August 2006 Twttr is released and would later be known as Twitter.
January 2007 Microsoft release Windows Vista to the public.
November 2007 The development of the iPhone caused a renewed interest in mobile internet access and application development.
February 2008 The battle between HD DVD and Blu-ray is won by Sony and their Blu-ray format.
September 2008 Solid State Drives start making an appearance in more notebook computers as the main storage over regular Hard Disk Drives.
September 2008 Google release their mobile operating system called Android.
October 2009 Microsoft release Windows 7 less than three years after its predecessor, Windows Vista.
March 2010 Apple introduces the first iPad to the market.
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