Created by Ana Celeste García Adame
over 4 years ago
Question | Answer |
cabeza | tête |
cuello | cou |
garganta | gorge |
pecho | poitrine |
barriga/vientre | ventre |
muñeca | poignet |
mano | main |
dedos | doigts |
muslo | cuisse (fem.) |
rodilla | genou |
tobillo | cheville |
pie | pied |
gemelo | mollet |
hombro | épaule |
espalda | dos (masc.) |
brazo | bras |
codo | coude |
cintura | taille |
caderas | hanches |
glúteos | fesses |
pierna | jambe |
cerebro | cerveau |
corazón | coeur |
estómago | estomac |
hígado | foie |
pulmones | poumons |
piel | peau |
sangre | sang |
huesos | os |
fiebre | fièvre |
tos | toux |
nauseas | nausée |
migraña | migraine |
otitis | otitie |
esguince | entorse |
resfriado | rhume |
tirita | pansement |
herida | blessure |
bleu | cardenal |
quemadura | brûlure |
curar/cuidar | soigner |
receta médica | ordonnance |
rasguño | égratignure |
pastilla | cachet |
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