Atoms and radiation- additional-physics


isotopes background radiation
Aimee Shanks
Flashcards by Aimee Shanks, updated more than 1 year ago
Aimee Shanks
Created by Aimee Shanks over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Definition of isotope: Different forms of same element with the SAME number of PROTONS but different number of NEUTRONS
Most elements have different isotopes but theres one or two ____________ ones. The other isotopes tend to be __________, meaning they decay into other elements and give out ___________. stable radioactive radiation
Radioactivity is completely random. Radioactive substances give out radioactivity from nuclei of atoms. You cannot do anything to make decay happen. Cannot predict which ones will decay.
Definition of background radiation: 3 things we recieve it from: -radiation that is present at all times. -unstable isotopes everywhere(air,rocks,food), radiation from space called cosmic rays,man made sources such as dumped nuclear waste
Radiation dose depends on ___________ and _____________. How likely you are to suffer depends on type of ___________ and ___________. The higher the dose the more likely you are to develop cancer. location occupation radiation amount
3 examples where radiation dose is high: -areas with certain underground rocks e.g granite, especially if they produce radon gas which gets trapped in houses -high altitudes in planes, this increases background radiation due to more exposure to cosmic rays -underground e.g mines, increases because of certain rocks
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