Zoology Lab Exam 1 - Burchill - Troy University


Zoology Lab Exam 1 - Burchill
Flashcards by btaylor141434, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by btaylor141434 over 9 years ago

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Question Answer
animal-like protists found in Domain Eukarya Kingdom Protista
1. Flagella 2. Nucleus 3. Chloroplasts D: Eukarya K: Protista P: Euglenozoa G: Euglena
What is structure 1? What is Structure 2? What is the D, K, P, G, S? What disease does this cause? 1. Flagellum 2. Nucleus D: Eukarya K: Protista P: Euglenozoa G: Trypanosoma S: Brucei Causes African Sleeping Sickness
What structure is the arrow pointing to? What is the D, K, P, G? Structure: Transverse Groove D: Eukarya K: Protista P: Dinoflagellata G: Ceratium
Name the structures 1,2,3,4,5. What is the D, K, P, G? 1: Macronucleus 2:Micronucleus 3:Contractile Vacuole 4:Food Vacuole 5: Cilia D: Eukarya K: Protista P: Ciliophora G: Paramecium
____________ Reproduction What type of reproduction is this? What is this protist? Asexual Reproduction Binary Fission Paramecium
_______________ Reproduction What type of reproduction is this? What is this protist? Sexual Reproduction Conjugation Paramecium
Domain: Kingdom: Phylum: Genus: Domain: Eukarya Kingdom: Protista Phylum Amoebozoa Genus: Amoeba
What are structures 1, 2, 3, 7 **Number 3 is different on model in class** 1: Cell Membrane 2: Nucleus 3: Contractile Vacuole (Round not star) 4:Food Vacuole
Domain: Kingdom: Phylum: Domain: Eukarya Kingdom: Protista Phylum: Radiolaria
Domain: Kingdom: Phylum: Domain: Eukarya Kingdom: Protista Phylum: Foraminifera *Chambered Bodies*
Domain: Kingdom: Phylum: Common Name: Domain: Eukarya Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Porifera Common Name: Sponges **Most simple animals**
consists of corals, hydra, and jellyfish Phylum Cnidaria
What is the D,K,P,C,G? Label K, G, B, A. D: Eukarya K: Animalia P: Cnidaria C: Hydrozoa G: Hydra K: Mouth G: Gastrovascular Cavity B: Bud A: Tentacle
D: K: P: C: G: CN: Is this a true jelly? D: Eukarya K: Anamalia P: Cnidaria C: Hydrozoa G: Physalia CN: Portugese Man-of-War True Jelly: NO
What is the D, K, P, C, G, CN? Label parts 1, 2, 3. D: Eukarya K: Animalia P: Cnidaria C: Scyphozoa (true jellies) G: Aurelia CN: Moon Jelly 1: Gonads 2: Tentacles 3: Oral Arms
What is the D, K, P, C, G, CN? Label 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. D: Eukarya K: Animalia P: Cnidaria C: Anthozoa G: Metridium CN: Sea Anemone 1: Oral Disk 2: Tentacles 3: Pharynx 4: GVC 5: Pedal Disc
D: K: P: C: CN: Domain: Eukarya Kingdom: Anamalia P: Cnidaria C: Anthozoa CN: Brain Coral
D: K: P: C: CN: Domain: Eukarya Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Cnidaria Class: Anthozoa CN: Staghorn Coral
flatworms Phylum Platyhelminthes
What is the D, K, P, C, G? Label parts 1, 2, 3, 4. Domain: Eukarya Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Platyhelminthes (flatworms) Class: Turbellaria (planarians) Genus: Dugesia 1: Eyespot 2: Auricle (ears) 3: GVC 4: Pharynx (whole inside)
What is the D, K, P, C, G, CN? Label all parts. How is this contracted? Domain: Eukarya Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Platyhelminthes Class: Trematoda (flukes) Genus: Clonorchis Common Name: Liver Fluke 1: Mouth 2: Pharynx 3: Esophagus 4: Uterus 5: Ovary 6: Testes 7: Oral Suckers 8: Ventral Suckers Contracted by eating undercooked meat.
What is the D, K, P, C, G, CN? Label parts 1 - 8. Domain: Eukarya Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Platyhelminthes (flatworms) Class: Cestoda (tapeworms) Genus: Taenia CN: Tapeworm 1: Scolex Region 2: Proglottid Regions 3: Hooks 4: Suckers 5: Testes 6: Uterus 7: Ovary 8: Genital Pore
Classify each by maturity. 1: Gravid Proglottis 2: Mature 3: Immature
What is the D, K, P, C, CN? Label A, B, & 1-4. Domain: Eukarya Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Mollusca Class: Polyplacophora CN: Chiton A: Ventral Side B: Dorsal Side 1: Dorsal Plates 2: Foot 3: Gills 4: Mouth
What is the D, K, P, C, CN? Label All Parts. Domain: Eukarya Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Mollusca Class: Bilvalvia (clams, oysters, mussels) Common Name: Clam 1. Umbo 2. Dorsal 3. Ventral 4. Anterior 5. Posterior
Label parts 1-10 1: Incurrent Siphon 2: Excurrent Siphon 3: Mouth 4: Foot 5: Mantle 6: Gills 7: Intestine 8: Anus 9: Heart 10: Gonads
What is its D, K, P, C, CN? Domain: Eukarya Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Mollusca Class: Gastropoda Common Name: Abolone
What is its D, K, P, C, CN? Domain: Eukarya Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Molluska Class: Gastropoda Common Name: Whelk
What is its D, K, P, C, G, CN? Domain: Eukarya Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Molluska Class: Gastropoda Genus: Cornu Common Name: Garden Snail
What is the D, K, P, C, G, CN? Label parts 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7. Domain: Eukarya Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Mollusca Class: Cephalopoda Genus: Loligo Common Name: Squida 1: Arm 2: Tentacles 3: Eyes 5: Funnel (siphon) 6: Mantle 7: FIns
Label parts 12, 10, 16. 12: Pen 10: Gill 16: Tentacle
What is the D, K, P, C, G? Domain: Eukarya Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Mollusca Class: Cephalopoda Genus: Octopus
What is the D, K, P, C, G? Domain: Eukarya Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Mollusca Class: Cephalopoda Genus: Nautilus
What is the D, K, P, CN? Domain: Eukarya Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Anelida CN: Segmented Worms
What is the D,K,P,C,G,CN? What is structure 1, 2? D: Eukarya K: Animalia P: Annelida C: Polychaeta G: Nereis CN: Sandworm 1: Parapodia 2: Setae
What is the D, K, P, C, G, CN? What are structures 1 & 2? D: Eukarya K: Animalia P: Annelida C: Polychaeta G: Arenicola CN: Lugworm 1: Parapodia 2: Gills
What is the D, K, P, C, G, CN? What is structure 1 & 2? D: Eukarya K: Animalia P: Annelida C: Polychaeta G: Aphrodita CN: Aphrodita CN: Sea Mouse 1: Setae 2: Parapodia
earthworms and leeches Class Clitellata
What is the D, K, P, C, Sc, G, CN? Label 1-3. D: Eukarya K: Animalia P: Annelida C: Clitellata Sc: Oligochaeta G: Lumbricus CN: Earthworms 1: Posterior 2: Anterior 3: Clitellum
B: Mouth H: Brain I: Hearts G: Esophagus N: Crop K: Gizzard L: Intestine F: Ventral Blood Vessel J: Dorsal Blood Vessel E: Ventral Nerve Cord
What is the D, K, P, C, Sc, G, CN? Label parts D: Eukarya K: Animalia P: Annelida C: Clitellata Sc: Hirudinea G: Hirudo CN: Leech 1: Anterior Sucker 2: Posterior Sucker
What is the D, K, P, G, CN? Which is male, and which is female? D: Eukarya K: Animalia P: Nematoda G: Ascaris CN: Human intestinal roundworm 1: Female 2: Male (Hook on Tail)
What is the D, K, P, G? Label parts. How is this contracted? D: Eukarya K: Animalia P: Nematoda G: Trichinella 1: Larva 2: Cyst Contracted by eating undercooked pork.
largest animal phylum; named for "jointed appendages" Phylum Arthropoda
What is the D,K,P,Sp, C, G, CN? Label Parts D: Eukarya K: Animalia P: Arthropoda Sp: Chelicerata C: Merostomata G: Limulus CN: Horseshoe Crab 1: Cephalothorax 2: Abdomen 3: Telson
Label Structures 1: Chelicerae 2: Pedipalps
What is the D, K, P, Sp, C, CN? Label Parts. How many pairs of legs do spiders have? D: Eukarya K: Animalia P: Arthropoda Sp: Chelicerata C: Arachnida CN: Spider 1. Cephalothorax 2. Abdomen 3. Chelicerae 4. Pedipalps 4 pairs of legs - 8 legs
What is the D, K, P, Sp, C, G, CN? What type of body? How many pairs of legs? D: Eukarya K: Animalia P: Arthropoda Sp: Chelicerata C: Arachnida G: Dermacentor CN: Tick Body: Unsegmented Ovoid Body 4 Pairs of Legs - 8 Legs
What is the D, K, P, Sp, C, G, CN? Label Parts. D: Eukarya K: Animalia P: Arthropoda Sp: Crustacea C: Malacostraca G: Cambarus CN: Crayfish 1: Cephalothorax 2: Carapace 3: Abdomen 4: Chelipeds 5: Walking Legs 6: Swimmerets 7: Uropods 8: Telson 9: Antennae 10: Rostrum
1: Brain 2: Stomach 3: Heart Long Pink Thing: Intestine
What is the D, K, P, Sp, C, G, CN? D: Eukarya K: Animalia P: Arthropoda Sp: Crustacea C: Malacostraca G: Homarus CN: Lobster
What is the D, K, P, Sp, C, G, CN? D: Eukarya K: Animalia P: Arthropoda Sp: Crustacea C: Malacostraca G: Penaeus CN: Shrimp
What is the D, K, P, Sp, C, CN? D: Eukarya K: Animalia P: Arthropoda Sp: Crustacea C: Maxillopoda CN: Barnacles
What type of metamorphasis is shown? Complete Metamorphasis
What type of metamorphasis is shown? Incomplete Metamorphasis
What is the D, K, P, C, CN? Label Parts D: Eukarya K: Animalia P: Arthropoda C: Insecta 1. Antennae 2. Compound Eye 3. Head 4. Thorax 5. Abdomen 6. Wing 7. Ovipositor 8. Tympanum 10. Spiracles
What is the D, K, P, C, CN? D: Eukarya K: Animalia P: Arthropoda C: Chilopoda CN: Centipede
What is the D, K, P, C, CN? D: Eukarya K: Animalia P: Arthropoda C: Diplopoda CN: Millipede
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