Flash Cards


Segundo Inglés Flashcards on Flash Cards , created by Maria Teresa Hurtado Cabrera on 01/06/2020.
Maria Teresa Hurtado Cabrera
Flashcards by Maria Teresa Hurtado Cabrera, updated more than 1 year ago
Maria Teresa Hurtado Cabrera
Created by Maria Teresa Hurtado Cabrera over 4 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Noun is a word that identifies person, place, thing, animal and ideas. TRUE
Which type of noun is this? Place
Flower is a Thing
Aunt is a Person
Where is the noun in this sentence: "There are five dogs in the street". dogs
Is Susan a proper noun? True
Which kind of noun is "brave"? Idea
Which kind of noun are strawberries and blueberries? things
Car is a Thing
Father is a Person
Where is the noun in this sentence: "Love is in the air" Love
Is the word "Copybook" a noun? Yes!
Which type of noun is this? Animal
Ball is a Thing
Where is the noun in this sentence: "Trees are good for the environment" Trees
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