Mr Goh's Physics P2 flashcards


Use these cards to help you to memorise key ideas in Physics.
Flashcards by j.goh, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by j.goh almost 10 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
What is the unit for kinetic energy ? Joule (J)
What is the unit for gravitational potential energy ? Joule (J)
What is the name of force W ? Weight
What is the name of force F ? air resistance / drag
What is the name of force R ? upthrust
How will the car move when forces F and P are the same size ? stationary or constant velocity / speed
How will the car move if force P is larger than force F ? The car will accelerate to the right
What is the size of the resultant force when an object is moving at a constant velocity ? zero / no resultant force / 0 N
What is the size of the resultant force on an object when it is moving at terminal velocity ? zero / no resultant force / 0 N
What type of energy does a ball have when it is thrown and is moving upwards ? kinetic energy
What type of energy does a ball have when it is thrown and it reaches its highest point ? gravitational potential energy
How much gravitational potential energy does a ball have when it lands on the ground ? no gravitational potential energy / 0 J
Which graph shows that the object is stationary ? b (flat line)
Which graph shows the object moving forwards at a steady speed ? a (line sloping upwards)
Which graph shows the object moving backwards ? c (line sloping downwards)
Between what times is the object stationary ? Between 0s and 3s (flat line at 0 m/s)
Between what times is the object moving at a constant velocity ? Between 5s and 8s (flat line at 8m/s)
What is the size of the acceleration between 3s and 5s ? 4 m/s squared ( 8/(5-3) )
How do you work out the distance traveled by the object ? Calculate the area under the graph
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