Disadvantages of Technology


Part of evaluation 4
Charlotte Barnard
Flashcards by Charlotte Barnard, updated more than 1 year ago
Charlotte Barnard
Created by Charlotte Barnard almost 10 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
File Formats Premiere Pro doesn't work with all file formats. When I first got the message about it not working I had to research what it meant. After this I had to use a converter to convert the files into appropriate files.
Credibility of Online Material During the research for theorists such as Mulvey, Propp and Todorov I used sites such as SlideShare and Wikipedia. I am aware that anyone could put up this information and not actual have sufficient knowledge that it appears they do. The information I researched could have been false meaning that my conclusions and conventions drawn could also be false.
Temptation to use Effects I used light leaks and was tempted to edit the colours of every shot but I decided against this as it went against the style, genre and conventions of my music videos. Yet it was very appealing to add more and more effects.
Rural Wifi I live in a more rural area which means broadband isn't as fast as it is in the city. Meaning that there are longer buffer times and longer uploading times. This lengthens the process.
Temptation to Refine This could be seen as an advantage. I made seven edits for my music video due to the temptation. After each edit was made I analysed and came up with improvements. The temptation to refine means lots of edits and little changes where I really should have focused on the video overall. I paid too much attention to detail.
Flash Player In the room where I added to my coursework there wasn't the latest Flash Player. This meant that websites with software such as Prezi and Issuu wouldn't show. This was inconvenient but I was still able to get round it, although it does highlight how technology can be unreliable.
Available to Anyone Due to my work being online and public this means anyone can access it. There is a high possibility that this could result in plagiarism.
Procastination The use of technology means that the world is at your fingertips and social networking is just a click away. It is very easy to divert away from your goals and 'escape' stress when there's a relief in less than a click of the mouse.
Interaction I like the feel of paper and working physically whereas online there is no essays or work to see in a pile. I cannot insert post-it notes on pages that I want improving, this made it difficult to organise and refine my work.
Spellcheck A positive note of technology is often the spell check but often the software I would be using (such as Prezi and ExamTime) would be American which would often highlight misspelled words that in England would be spelt correctly.
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