Hard pack: pre-hospital care


hard pack: pre-hospital care
Sarah Cooper3707
Flashcards by Sarah Cooper3707, updated more than 1 year ago
Sarah Cooper3707
Created by Sarah Cooper3707 over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
What is the dose of hydrocortisone for a 10 year old? 100 milligrams
Name three side effects of Ondansetron? Hiccups Constipation Flushing Hypotension Chest pain Arrhythmias Bradycardia Headache Seizures Movement disorders Injection site reaction
What is the dose of IV paracetamol for an 11 year old 500 milligrams
What is the dose of Narcan at birth? 200 micrograms
True or False Aspirin is contra indicated for patients who are currently being treated with anticoagulants? False
What is the maximum dose for Atropine when used for absolute bradycardia? 3 milligrams
How much Benzylpenicillin in milligrams is in each ampoule? 600
What is the dose of Chlorphenamine for a six month old child? Contra-indicated for children below 1
True or False One of Diazepam's indications is when the fit has continued for more than 10 minutes and STILL FITTING? False: 5 minutes and STILL FITTING
Name two side effects of Dexamethasone? There are none
What is the initial dose of adrenaline 1:1,000 for life threatening asthma? 500 micrograms
Name two side effects of amiodarone? Bradycardia Vasodilation Bronchospasm Arrhythmias
What is the only contra-indication for Atropine? Bradycardia in suspected hypothermia
How long does IV Morphine take to have an effect and when is it's peak? 2-3 minutes 10-20 minutes
Name two side effects of Diazepam? Respiratory depression Hypotension Drowsiness Occasional amnesia
Name all six contra indications of GTN? Hypotension < 90 mmHg Hypovoleamia Head trauma Cerebral heamorrhage Viagra in last 24 hours Unconscious patient
What two gases and their percentages make up Entonox 50% nitrous oxide & 50% oxygen
What is the repeat dose of Clopidogrel? Once only drug
Name three side effects of Chlorphenamine? Sedation Dry mouth Headache blurred vision psychomotor impairment gastrointestinal disturbance transient hypotension convulsions
What are the two side effects of Furosemide? Hypotension gastrointestinal disturbances
What is the maximum dose of Tranexamic Acid for an adult? 1 gram
In the paediatric with a MEDICAL cause of shock what is the maximum dose in ml/kg of Sodium Chloride 0.9%? 40 ml/kg
Name the four indications for Salbutamol? - Acute asthma where normal therapy has failed - Expiratory wheezing associated with allergy, anaphylaxis, smoke inhalation or other lower airway cause - Exacerbation of COPD - SOB secondary to LVF (second line treatment)
Name the two contra indications for Glucagon? Low glycogen stores Hypoglycaemic seizures
Name the two contra indications of furosemide? Pre-comatose state secondary to liver cirrhosis Severe renal failure with anuria
When administering PR diazepam what is the maximum depth you should insert the tube? 2.5cm
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