Computational Thinking 1st Partial


Flashcards on Computational Thinking 1st Partial, created by Rosa Luz Estevané Rodríguez on 08/09/2020.
Rosa Luz Estevané Rodríguez
Flashcards by Rosa Luz Estevané Rodríguez, updated more than 1 year ago
Rosa Luz Estevané Rodríguez
Created by Rosa Luz Estevané Rodríguez over 4 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Instructions: 1. Enter to our Zoom room in your cellphone and point the camera towards yourself 2. Start Respondus Lockdown browser in your computer
What is Computational Thinking? Formulating problems in a way that enables us to use a computer and other tools to help solve them
Which are the pillars of Computational Thinking?
What is an algorithm?
Which are the properties of algorithms?
Some examples of algorithms are:
When can algorithms be used? Anytime to design solutions to problems, or to perform a task that my be broken into a list of steps.
What is the Page Rank? It's the algorithm of Google to assign the level of importance of a webpage, analyzing the quantity and quality of the links that point to it. It is used to produce a list of most important websites when a user performs a search.
What is a Variable?
Variables are data asked and calculated. In the given algorithm variables are: base, height and area
The variables are: Age, height, weight *Remember all data that the user should fill requires a variable to save the information.
Which are the rules to name a variable?
What is camelCase?
Select all valid variable names to save the grade of 1st partial: a) 1stGrade b) firstGrade c) studentGrade1 d) FIRSTGRADE Valid variable names: b) firstGrade c) studentGrade1
Select the only valid variable name : a) b) #product c) 3rd semester d) appName The only valid name is: d) appName Variable names should not have special characters, spaces and must start with a letter
What is a constant?
What is Data type? Data Type is the attribute that determines the type of information that a variable can store, as well as the operations or actions that can be done with that data.
What are the main data types used by computers?
The variables to save the username, password and email are text. The variables to save the answer to the "Remember me" and "Suscribe" boxes are logical, as they can only hold true or false values.
Name the components we have used in our Thunkable apps
Which are the prefixes to name each Thunkable component?
Mention at least 5 properties of Thunkable's components Name, text, font-size, background color, margin
Initialize block allows to create a variable and assign it an initial value. In this case the variable is userMsg
It includes the actions to perform when the user clicks the button named btnSend
Which are the basic arithmetic operators?
Which operator is used for exponentiation?
What is the meaning of the % operator?
What is the order to solve operations in a programming expression?
Find the value of c: c = 5 * 4 + 8 / 2 – 1
Find the value of a: a = 10 + 17 % 3 ** 2
Find the value of a: a = 4 ** 2 - ( 7 % 2 + 4)
3 * aˆ2 - 2 * a + 7 = 0
(c ** 2 + b ** 2) / 2*a () are required when there is a numerator or denominator that involves a + or -
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