Cultural Values


A-Level communications and culture Flashcards on Cultural Values, created by G-Dog on 22/04/2015.
Flashcards by G-Dog, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Stuart Halford
Created by Stuart Halford over 9 years ago
Copied by G-Dog over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
What is Critical Social Theory? The ideas of a group of German Marxist criticis who looked at how popular culture is used as a means of social control of the masses.
What is a meme? An idea or behaviour or style that spreads from person to person in a culture. They self replicate, mutate and evolve within the culture. Think Gangnam Style!
Why do we study popular culture? Why not? Anthropology is taken seriously - C&C is just like anthropology. It shows us what we think - believe- our customs and where they came from.
Are subcultures a threat to dominant cultures? Not really - they usually become part of main culture or fade away and become a memory. It gives a space for the illusion of freedom.
What is cultural appropriation? Adoption of one cultures customs by another culture. Often for surface or superficial reasons. White wedding dresses are now popular in China!
What should we be interested in studying culture? If we understand the reasons behind ways of thinking and acting it can make us more tolerant of diversity.
What is ideology? The science of ideas and values and how they come into being.
What is the term for when one country tries to impose its culture on others - either by force or over time through influence? Cultural Imperialism. For example American cinema dominates the British cinema landscape so we are forever being exposed to American values.
What is the website address of a really good Radi 4 series that I could listen to that would get me 20 marks in this question? programmes/b01phf4c
Who was F.R. Leavis? A British literary critic who believed mass culture was dangerous and damaging. That mass culture would undermine the control of the ruling elites.
What is enculturation? The way we become part of our culture by living through and experiencing it. We are not born with a cultural understanding.
Who was Matthew Arnold? A Victorian educationalist, poet, cultural critic who wrote the book Culture and Anarchy.
What was Matthew Arnold's view on what culture consisted of? He argued passionately that culture was- 'the best which has been thought and said'. It was a way to civilise the masses and prevent revolution.
What do advocates of High Culture or Elite Culture believe about their cultural practices? Pure - because not for profit. Improving - the target spirit and mind. Enduring - must be good they are still appreciated. Unique works - they are not mass produced and commercial.
Who are the agents of socialisation? Any group who "train you" into the values - beliefs and behaviour of the tribe. FAMILY - SCHOOL - MEDIA - once the chruch played a more important role in this process.
How does Raymond Williams view of cultural value differ from that of Matthew Arnold? Williams believed that all our cultural activities - regardless of class - could tell us about how power was held and exchanged. "Culture is ordinary and everyday"
What is a subculture? A subculture is a group within the mainstream culture who try to create their own identity through difference. CLOTHING - SPEECH - BEHAVIOURS - BELIEFS - SPACES
What is the Postmodern view of High/Low - Elite/Mass culture? Postmodernism says that culture is just a meta-narrative (Jean Lyotard) there is no real distinction - there never really was.
What methods do people sometimes try to use to judge the cultural value of a practice or object? Durability - it has been around a long time. Popularity - that the majority enjoy it. Profitability - it makes a profit. Uniqueness - it is a one and only.
Why is it impossible to measure the cultural value of anything? Because cultural value is subjective. It depends more on the judge's opinions and beliefs than anything that can be proved.
Why do some people claim that their culture is better and try to impose it on others? To reassure themselves about their own identity or the group identity. As a means of control and to take power. To exclude people who they find undesireable.
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