Twin Studies


A-Level Psychology (Biological) Flashcards on Twin Studies, created by alicefindlay97 on 25/04/2015.
Flashcards by alicefindlay97, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by alicefindlay97 almost 10 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Identical twins are referred to as what? Monozygotic (MZ)
Non identical twins are referred to as what? Dizygotic (DZ)
What % of genes are shared by MZ twins? 100%
What % of genes are shared by DZ twins? 50%
Define a twin study Using correlation research to establish a genetic argument for the origin of human behaviour.
Would 2 MZ or 2 DZ twins who've been reared together be more similar according to the bioloigcal approach. Why? 2 MZ because they share 100% of their genes.
If a characteristic were entirely a product of our genes what would we expect from MZ twins? That both would always share this characteristic. This is NOT the case.
Give a strength of twin studies (applicability) There's lots of data in support of biological roots of disorders which as helped psychologists prevent stress for those vulnerable.
Give a weakness of twin studies (2 measurable) It's hard to isolate whether it's nature or nurture. 1. twins might have experienced a similar environment during separation. 2. Rarely separated at birth so often spent some time together.
Give a weakness of twin studies (MZ vs DZ) Adults tend to treat MZs more similarly as they look more alike. This may lead to their similarity rather than genes.
Define a twin study in simple terms Comparing specific characteristics of identical/non-identical twins.
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