Chapter 12 - Training


Cambridge IGCSE ICT (Chapter 5 - Workplace organisation) Flashcards on Chapter 12 - Training, created by megvt on 08/10/2013.
Flashcards by megvt, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by megvt over 11 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
What is in-house training? In-house training takes place at the workplace where the job is being done. It usually means working with an existing, experienced employee to show the new employees how specific jobs are done.
The advantages of in-house training? Advantages: Gets the new employees working straight anyway, motivates the experienced trainer to do the training (feel more confident and valuable to the business)
The disadvantages of in-house training? Disadvantages: Too many distractions which could mean that the new employees find it hard to concentrate so they make mistakes.
What is off the job training? Off-the-job training takes place away from the job, for example in a college or training centre if the business can afford it.
Advantages of off-the-job training? Advantages: Makes them feel valued as they are investing in their future, taught by specialists so may be better at explaining the new skills required.
Disadvantages of off-the-job training? Disadvantages: cost, time taken up, possible disruptions, courses are broader so may not directly help in the workplace so employees may find the course irrelevant.
5 points to consider when choosing the appropriate training? (1) What the training is (2) The safety of the employees (3) The cost (4) The time the training will take (5) Possible disruptions to customers or other employees
What is induction training? Induction training is where a business introduces new employees to the workplace so they can learn what is expected of them and what to do in emergencies.
6 benefits of training? (1) Motivation (2) More confidence (3) Increased promotion opportunities (4) Increased productivity (5) More skilled at their job (6) Allows them to train other employees
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